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It's been a month seen I found out that I am pregnant. It's been alright just usual pregnant things. Right now I'm eating breakfast with the boys. I'm just eating sausage cuz that's the only breakfast foods I can food without it coming back up. So I finished my food and go to my room but sooner or later it's going to be me and Kai room. Yes. It's early but when the baby comes i'm going to have some help with the baby. But I'm going to get ready to go to my check up with Kai. And I got dressed and I put this cute shirt and skirt. {The one in the right}. I was going down the hall and saw Chen so I went to his room. "Hi" I said, "Hi, I thought you were gone" Chan asked, "yea but I waiting for Kai" I said. "Oh" he said than came in the room with just a towel around his waste and his hair this wet. "Hey" he said and walked to his bed with his clothes on it. But I didn't move I just sat there on the bed. And kept talking to Chan. "You going to get out" Chan asked, "no what's the point we alright saw each other" I said. "Whatever" Chan said, and Kai got dressed. And we left.

~~~At The Doctor~~~
So I got there and had to sit down and wait. After a little bit I got to the back and they did their normal routine. And they took a picture while doing it and finished it up. "The baby is healthy and everything. Oh here you go sir" the doctor said and gave Kai the pictures, "thank you sir" Kai said. "U welcome, if that's all then all you have to do is make your next appointment. Okay and I'll talk to you later" the doctor said "okay thank you" I said and the doctor left. And after him I left to go make a appointment. After that I left and we went to get some ice cream. After ice cream we went home.

~~~ At Home~~~
We got there and everyone was in the kitchen eating dinner. "Hey, how was it" Chan asked, "it was good" I said. "Oh okay" Chan said and keep eating, "okay I have a question" Chan asked. "What is it" I asked, "when is Kai moving out of the room" Chan asked. "I really don't know you gonna have to asked Kai about that" I said, "I don't known when I feel like it" Kai said and walked off. "Okay that is your answer" I said and walked to my room and keep eating my ice cream. I sat on my bed and turned on the TV. Then came Kai in and he was still eating ice cream. "ummm this ice cream is good" Kai said when he was finish, "do y'all got practice tomorrow" i asked. "yea so you would be home by yourself" Kai said and i feel sad because i want to hang out with him, "oh okay than" i said and started to look at the floor. Then Chan came in and said something to Kai. And they both left. So i got up and put my stuff in the cash can and went back to my room got my stuff took a shower and went to bed.

~~~Kai POV~~~
So Chan came in and told me that the boys are in the my room talking about Rae birthday tomorrow. So i got up and left to go to my room. I got in there and they were sitting on the floor and my bed. "So we are here because Rae's birthday it's tomorrow" Chan said, "okay what are we going to do for her" Chen asked. "Well I told her that we have practice so we can leave and I can text her and tell her to come to the place and we can surprise her" I said, "yea that said good so all we have to do is get her family and friends to come" Soho said." But let me text her i'm her brother" Chan said, "okay. Whatever" i said. "Okay what are we going to do for her" Baekhyun asked, "umm let's just get a cake and some present and put up a lot of pink" I said. "Why pink" Chen asked, "it's her favorite color" Chan and I said it at the same time. Than we both looked at each other like 'really now.' "whatever" i said and look away,"back to what i was saying and we can call all her friends and family and there her birthday party" I said, "okay that's all" Chan said. "So is that the plan. Oh wake up early so we can act like we are gone" I said and they all nodded. They left and I went to go take a shower and went to bed.

~~~Next Morning Rae POV~~~
I woke up and went straight to the bathroom and though up and I pulled back my hair with my free hand. When I was finish i washed out my mouth and washed my hands. So I went to the kitchen and cooked me some sausage then, fixed me some apple juice and ate by myself. When i finished my breakfast and went to put something on so I wouldn't be walking around in the my night clothes on all day. After all that I went to go look at TV.

~~~Later That Day~~~
I'm still sitting in the same place watching TV. And i'm bored out of my mind. So then I get a text from Chan that says:

To: Rae
From: Chan

Hey Sis,
Put on something pretty clothes try to look you best and meet me outside in a hour. Love you and talk to you than. Peace.

So I do what he say and get dress a pretty but constable dress. {The one at the top on the right} I do my toes, nails, hair, then makeup but i'm putting a jacket because it is the spring and it's getting cold out there. So when I finished all of that it was time for him to come so i sat in the living room and waited. Then I heard the door bell ring so I answered it and it was Chan. "Hey bro" I said, "Hey sis. You ready i see. You look really pretty" Chan said. "Thank you" I said, "you welcome" Chan said. Then I walked out the house and locked it up while I was leaving. So we got in the car and I asked, "where are we going" "somewhere just sit back and enjoy the ride" Chan said and i did.

~~~At The Place~~~

"Okay we are here. I need you to close your eyes for me" Chan asked and I did what he said. I close my eyes and I heard a door open and he grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the car and shut the door. Now we are going up some stairs and then I heard something like a door and I walked in. Then he told me to open my eyes. I looked around and it was dark and i didn't see Chan anywhere. Then someone cut on the lights and a bunch of people yelled "Happy Birthday." I was so surprised. I looked around and saw exo, all my friends, and, my parents and then i looked back at exo and saw Kai and i blew a kiss at him. The everyone started to come to me. I hugged all of them but I just want to see Kai so I go up to him and hug him. "Hi babe" he said, "hi. I miss you" i said. "I miss you too" Kai says back, "so this what y'all been planing last night" I said. "Hey how do you known what we were doing last night you were in a different room on the other side of the dorms but yes it is and it's your favorite color" Kai said, so i look around and it was all pink "yea it is all my favorite color shameful to say but i kinda forget about my on birthday. But Thank You" I said and pecked him right on his lips and left him right there because some one was calling me. So I go talk to this person and come back to Kai. "Hey" I said, "hey, so are you having a good time" he asked. "Yea its fun" I said and then someone started talking in a microphone and they told me to sit down in the front of the room and I did but took Kai with me. And I told him to get a chair and sit it down beside me and we sat down. I opened my gifts and eat my cake. Now i'm leave but about to go somewhere else.

~~~At The Place~~~
Kai took this pretty place it was some where on a mountain and if you looked down you can see the town it was really beautiful. We sat at almost on the edge but we still sat there and talked about life and how it's going to change when have the baby. After a while we went to get some ice cream and went home.

~~~At Home~~~
We walked in and I saw all my gift in the living room. So I asked Kai to help me put them in my room. But he said no he was going to do it by himself are he is going to get the boys because 'i'm pregnant' and i can't be moving things like this he said. After they finally finishing that I took a shower than Kai took a shower after me. And than we went to my room and watched TV and we were cuddling and then I went to sleep.

Sorry. I haven't been updating. I had a lot of stuff to do and school but i'm on break so i'm probably going to update or more often now. So I hope y'all keep reading and leave a comment at the bottom and vote please. Thank Y'all Peace.

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