Day 2

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I must have fell asleep. I turned over and looked at the clock. 6:55. Great, almost time for dinner.

I get up off the bed and see a slip of paper on my floor. "Must be the clothing slip," I mumble. I pick it up, and sure enough, it has all these questions, like What is your shoe size? and What is your favorite color? I don't have a pen to fill it out with, so I put it in my pocket.

I go to open the door. Locked. "Damn it, why did they lock me in?" I say.

I look to the closet. Ohhhhh. That's why.

I open the closet door, and  right where I left it, the lunch tray from earlier. Well, they won't feed me anything else until I eat this, I guess. I look at what is on the tray.

"Hmmm, we have... pizza, with... carrots, and... mixed fruit. Ok, that's not too bad." I say, before picking up the pizza and taking a bite. Hm. Not bad. Cold, but not bad.

I'm sitting on my bed when a woman comes in. She picks up the tray, and hands me a pen. Without saying a word, I take the pen and begin filling out the slip I got earlier.

When I finish filling it out, she takes the slip and the pen, and leaves, locking the door behind her.

I look over at my clock. 8:00. Oh, time went fast. I look again at the clock and... "A.M? Really? I slept that long?" No, that's impossible. I couldn't have slept for over 14 hours.

I'm not taking an chances, so I go over to the door. It's unlocked.

"No, that's impossible. That lady just locked it." I say.

I leave my room, and eventually find the cafeteria. I sit at an empty table. Sooner than later, a whole bunch of people come and sit down. Three boys, two girls, and one I can't really tell.

One of the girls says to me, "Are you new here?" She has bright eyes, and short black hair

"Yes," I respond.

"Well, my name is Hannah, and that's-" she points to the other girl. "-Diana. Aren't you hungry?"
"No, I... hid my food last night, and they wouldn't let me out until I finished it." I say to her, feeling like a fool.

"I did the same thing when I got here," says one of the boys. "Oh, I'm Alex." He had short hair, almost white, with bright blue eyes. "And that's Freddy, James, and Megan. She doesn't talk." He continued.

Ahh, so it's a girl, I thought.

"What's your name?" says who I believe is Freddy. He had short, curly red hair, with glasses about an inch thick.

"I'm Morgan."

"That's a really pretty name!" says Diana. Diana looked just like Hannah, except her hair was longer. I wonder if they're twins.

They talked about different things. I said a few things, just so I didn't seem bitchy.

Out of nowhere, James looks at me and says, "So, do you remember anything yet?" James had dark brown hair, with grey eyes.

"No, I don't. Why, do you guys know how you got here?" I respond.

"SHH! Don't talk about that. They don't like it when we talk about it. We'll explain during personal time," says Hannah.

The bell rings. That was awfully fast. I feel like I just got here...

"You'll slowly start to remember things about your life. None of us know why, but for some reason, they don't want you remembering everything at once," Freddy explains.

This was a lot to take in. All this talk about the trials and stuff was distracting me from trying to remember anything. That probably wouldn't help. Maybe I'll just wake up and be like "I remember my life."

It was almost lunch time, so we headed towards the cafeteria. I still wasn't really hungry. I stayed behind the group and talked to Hannah.

"So how come Megan doesn't talk?" I ask.

"We don't really know, but we think she's been here long enough that she remembers her life, and it wasn't too good," she responds.

Before we get to the cafeteria, a group of people in the blue coats walks by us. Once they are behind us, they turn around, and tell us to stop walking. They come closer to us.

"Do you need something?" James asks them.

Without saying anything, they grab Megan.

"No! Stop it! Where are you taking her?" yells Diana. They don't respond.

They take her into in a room with a metal door. We run over to see if we can hear anyhting.

If the metal door was meant to sound proof the room, it didn't work. We heard everything.
They told her that she didn't pass her tests, and they were very sorry, but she needed to move on, and they had already stopped her body's heart beat, and it was time to go. Wherever she went, it sounded terrible, because she was screaming and crying, and then it just stopped.

When they told me it was time for my first test, I was really scared. I didn't know what I was going to do. What if I had to swim? Or stop hijackers from taking over a plane? Or if I simply had to talk to someone about myself? I didn't know.
When I arrived, I saw a table. It had all kinds of wires and what not sticking out of it. The same man from yesterday was in there.

"Sit down, please," he told me.

I sat down on the table, and he placed this head band thing around my head. Then he left.

I was alone in there. Just me and my thoughts. So I started thinking.

I thought about my day, about yesterday, the kids I met, the food.

Then I started remembering.

I tried to remember more about myself, my family, how I got here.

And it hit me like a wave. I remembered everything. My dad, my mom, Julie, my eighth birthday with the clown, when I had to move back with my mom. The arguments. The yelling, the screaming, the crying.

The car.

The tree.

The crash.

Why are you making me remember everything? I thought.

And then I knew why.

This was my first test. To see how well I could handle my memories. They want to see if I'm angry, happy, sad. No, I won't let them get inside my head that easily.

So I thought about nothing. I just stared at the wall, focusing on thinking about nothing.

Eventually, one of the workers came in. They took off the head thingy, and grabbed my arm. They led me straight to my room, and locked the door behind them. No food again.

H e l l o :) so things are kinda slow, idk about you guys, but it's still kinda developing. sorry if it's boring right now, but i promise it will get better :) baiiii

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