Day 6

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Morgan's POV

I wake up shivering. I had an awful dream, but I can't remember all of what it was about. It was jut bad.

All I remember is a face. It was an awful face, with scars, dark eyes, and a harsh expression. I shudder at the memory.

I get up, and even though it's 4:30, head to the cafeteria. I arrive, and sit alone, not wanting to talk to anyone. I just sit there and enjoy the peace and quiet.

A few tables away from me, I see what looks like a box. Making sure nobody is near me, I get up to see what it is.

It's a book. It has a leather cover, with a button holding it closed. It had a lock around it. A journal? I wonder.

The lock appears to be locked. Well, of course it's locked, it's a lock. Damn, maybe I'm more tired than I thought.

I pick the book up, and hid it under by shirt. If someone's just going to leave a journal here, they obviously don't want it. Well, it's mine now.

I put it back in my room, and decide to take a closer look at it later. While I was sitting in the cafeteria, I lost track of time, and it was time for breakfast. So I headed back to the cafeteria, dreading the fact that I had to actually talk to people.
I didn't talk to any of my friends. They all talked about miscellaneous gossip and what not. I just sat and minded my own business, relishing in the after thoughts of my dream.

Once everyone leaves to do who knows what, Alex leans over the table. "Hey, are you alright? You seem distant," he asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bad dream."

He becomes more alert. "A... A bad dream?" He asks in a worried voice.

"Yeah, it's no big deal. It was just... weird, I guess. It doesn't matter, just a stupid dream," I rush the last part to end this conversation. I swear, these people have nothing else better to do than bother themselves with my business.

Before he can say anything, I get up and leave. I decide that I need to become more familiar with this place, and start walking around, finding new hallways and what not.

I walk down multiple hallways. It's amazing I didn't get lost. The hallways are mostly more rooms, until I come across a door. It was a rusty looking metal door, with a little handle.

Me being me, I decide to go in. Inside, there is another hallway, completely empty; no windows, not even a place to sit. There is a door at the other end. It looks even shadier than the one I just went through.

I turn around and leave, saving the rest of my tour for another day. I begin to head back to my room so I can examine the book I found when-

Where the hell am I? Oh shit.

I turn around a couple of times, trying to get a sense of direction. No one is around me, and I look like an idiot.

I'm lost.
I begin to just walk around, trying to find something that looks remotely similar to me. Nothing.

I begin to panic. I've been walking around aimlessly for a while. The hallways no longer have doors lining them; they are bare, white walls, with nothing but empty space filling them.

It's getting hotter in here, and I'm sweating. I don't know which way to go, and it seems as though I have lost all words. I try to think of yelling for help, but nothing happens. I continue in my silence, not even able to hear myself think.

It looks as though I'm going in circles, when I see a something in front of me. I begin to walk faster, relieved that I've finally found something.

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