Day 8

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Back at home...
Julie's POV

"Julie, I know you don't feel good, but you can't live in your room," my mom says through my bedroom door.

"Leave me alone, mom. I don't want to talk to you. Or anyone," I yell so she can hear me.

"Ok, well, I have to go to work. I'll... see you when I get back," she says, her voice fading as she walks away from my room.

Nothing has been he same since the night the wreck happened. People accuse me of attempted murder, and still, no one talks to me. And the worst part, I don't feel guilty. Not a bit.

Nobody hears me out when I try to tell them the real story. I've stopped trying to convince people there's more to it than me not paying attention.

I lay in bed, looking out the window. Everything she's missing out on, because of me. No. Stop it, you made the right decision.

I should be in school right now. Instead, I lay in bed like a coward, afraid to show my face to my peers.

I'm going to school, and I don't care what anybody says about me. What the hell am I doing?

I throw on some pants and a baggy sweatshirt. No, no. I have to look like this hasn't affected me. I change into a pair of decent-looking pants, and a white shirt with a leather vest over it. Here we go.

I grab my keys as I walk out the door. The drive to campus seems so short; I have to sit in my car and mentally prepare myself to enter the building.

As soon as I walk in, I feel the glares. All eyes are on me. Everyone that stares at me, I make sure to return the favor. I won't let them interfere with my day. It won't happen.

The whole day, I knew people were talking about me. Oh, she finally decided to come to school. And, It's good to know that she's fine.

I try not to let the harsh words get to me. I know their opinion means nothing to me. All my friends ignore me, my teachers sneer at me, and even strangers look at me like I'm a monster. But I'm not.

After school, I head straight home to get my homework done. I usually don't do my homework, but since I couldn't really focus today, plus the fact that I've been gone for a week, I had quite a lot.

Before I know it, it's time for work. It's funny, I haven't missed a single day of work since the accident. Priorities, I guess.

I get dressed for work, my "uniform" consisting of a revealing tank top, too short shorts, six inch heels, and about five pounds of makeup. I sneak out through my window. My mom doesn't know about my job. Maybe that's a good thing.

I arrive at the bar. I head straight towards my area of profession: to the counter. The manager doesn't seem to care that I'm only 18. He just wants someone making him money. Well, all I want is money, so it works out.

The customers don't mind either, considering that most of them are married men that haven't seen an 18 year old girl since they were in high school.

After about six hours of flirting and drink pouring, I see my bofriend, Alan, walk through the door.

"God, it's about time," I playfully tease as I begin walking towards him.

"Sorry I'm late, I had some... business to take care of. Let's go," he says, escorting me to his car.

This isn't the first time I've been to his house. We've been dating for about three months, and my parents hate him with a passion. They claim he's "too old for me." Yeah, so what if he's 7 years older than me. Age is just a number.

My parents have tried to press charges on him, but since I'm an adult, they didn't go far. He's the only one that actually accepts me. Plus, he's really hot. It's a win-win.

"So, how have you been dealing with everything?" He asks me when we arrive at his house.

"Well, I haven't killed anyone at school, so I guess I'm doing pretty good," I say, then add a playful chuckle so he knows I'm joking.

"Yeah, I guess that's a start," he laughs.

We sit in a peaceful silence for a while. I start getting tired, and begin dosing off. Without even realizing it, I fell asleep.

I'm at school. Everyone is really quiet, and the teacher is writing something on the board. When he steps away, I read it, and I shudder.

It's all your fault!

Everyone in the classroom turns around and looks at me. They all start laughing and gawking at me. Even the teacher begins laughing.

I get up, and walk out. I walk into the hallway. It's dark and creepy. I see a girl down the hall, standing at a locker. I walk towards her. From what what I can see, it looks like Morgan; blonde hair, long legs, even the same backpack.

I approach her. She turns around, and instead of her young, pretty face, a rotted corpse is what I see.

She begins talking in a weird foreign language. I understand some English words in what she's saying.

She walks towards me, forcing me to back up. She starts yelling at me, in English.

"Because of your selfishness, I'm forced to rot underground! I may not be dead yet, but mark my word, I'll torture your ass until you burn in hell!"

I bolt awake. I look around, relieved that it was all just a dream.

I have Alan drive me back to work so I can get my car. He drops me off, we say goodbye, and he leaves. I get in my car and drive home, the entire way thinking about my awful dream.

When I get home, I sneak back into my room through my window, but I know it won't be long until I get yelled at for being out at Alan's house.

Sure enough, as soon as I change out of my work clothes, my mom is banging at my door. I was visiting Morgan at the hospital, I think of, right as she flings my door open.

To make my lie more believable, I start crying. I run over and hug her.

"I went and saw Morgan at the hospital. She looks awful, and it's all my fault!" I bawl. This sounds more believable than I thought it would.

I hear her start crying. "No, it's not your fault. You couldn't have stopped it." She paused. "I assume you spent the night at the hospital with her?"

"Yeah, they let me stay with her," I say.

"Well, you've had a rough couple of days. Stay up here, and if you need anything, just holler," she says, pushing me away and looking in my eyes.

"Ok mom," I say, struggling to find more words, while still lying.

"Ok," she says. She lingers in my room for a little longer, then leaves.

Jesus christ, finally.

MERRY late CHRISTMAS EVERYONE and I probably won't update before new years soooo HAPPY NEW YEAR

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