Day 10

17 3 0

Morgan's POV


   <stab stab stab>
.(o.o).   •(x.x)•  James wasn't
  / | \~> \ | /    at lunch
     |           |       today. After
  ./ \.       / \      what happened yesterday, I'm honestly not surprised. He was acting insane, climbing on the tables and yelling. He was probably sent away because of it. Who knows anymore.

There's five of us now. If one of us isn't gone in the next few days, it'll be a miracle. Maybe I'll be next.

I wonder if it's painful, leaving here. I mean, you meet all kinds of people from different places in the world, and just like that, you leave them, without the chance to say goodbye.

Will I remember everyone? I can't imagine forgetting them, but I guess it's possible.

I hear a knock at my door. I put my journal down and walk towards the door. When I open it, no one is there. Stupid...people, I think as I sit back on my bed.

I begin to dose off. I stop thinking as I slowly fade to sleep.

I am jolted awake by a violent knock on my door. I jump up and open the door.

Alex runs in, slamming the door behind him.

"I have to tell you something," he says out of breath.

"What is it?" I ask.

"They... they're after us. We have to leave, now!" he says.

"Who? Alex, what is going on?" I ask. I begin to panic, something is obviously wrong.

"I don't have time to explain, the others are already gone. Come on, we need to go!" He says with a hint of irritation in his voice. He grabs my arm and pulls me through the door. He starts running down the hall, dragging me behind him.

"Wait," I say, stopping him. "What do you mean the others are gone?" I ask him.

"Gone, Morgan! As in dead! And if you don't want to end up like them, then I suggest you hurry up!" he snaps. The way he says it makes me realize that he's sort of attractive.

No, stop it. Something's wrong, don't think about good looking, perfect haired, bright eyed-

"What the hell, Morgan! Do you want to die today?" Alex shouts at me, his loud yell laced with confusion and concern.

Without thinking about it, I calmly reply, "I'm already dead."

He looks at me with a blank expression. He throws his arms up in defeat and lets them hit his sides as he turns around and starts walking. I follow.

After a few minutes of walking, I begin to seriously doubt his version of events. Yeah, sure sounds like something "big and bad" is killing everyone. We've walked for almost five minutes, and nothing has happened.

I hear a huge crash behind us, causing both of us to jerk around.

"We need to get going," Alex rushes to say as he starts to run again. This time, I run too.

"Is there a front door or something we could escape out of?" I ask between breaths.

"Yes, I'm sure there's a front door we could just walk out of," he says with a sarcastic tone.

This is the most I've ever looked at Alex, and I can't believe what I've missed out on. This is not the time for that, my brain tells me.

Footsteps sound behind us, snapping me out of my thoughts. We pick up our pace. I just hope he knows where he's going, because I sure don't.

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