The Interview

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Lauren's POV 

I stare at my reflection like I do every morning, and splash water in my face. I proceed to brush my teeth, strip my clothes, and get in the shower. While the water runs over me I think of the interview I have in a few hours. It frustrates me I have to go to all these interviews because my new album is coming out. I understand is for promotion and all other marketing stuff, but they never really talk or ask about the album. If they do ask about the album one or two questions, they're always like "Any collaborations?" or "What can we expect from this one we didn't hear in the other?" Which pisses me off because I get the same type of questions in every interview, meaning I have to keep repeating myself over and over again, which is unnecessary and time wasting. Oh but don't get me started in the noisy questions like "Who are you dating?", "Any crushes?" and blah blah blah more personal questions that don't concern anyone. Like I don't mind my fans interest on knowing me, but sometimes interviewers can be so invading of my personal life. And fans can get a bit annoying too. But i love and respect them so much. I sigh 'I'll just have to suck it up'. 

I stop the water once I finish my internal monologue, and proceed to put a towel around me. I live alone, so I could happily stroll around naked in my apartment. I live in a 40th floor building (my apartment being in floor 33) which is pretty high so no one would see me. But since I'm dripping water I prefer not making a mess in the floor. I go inside my bedroom, which is three steps away from the bathroom, and plop down in my bed so I can air dry a little. I scroll through Twitter a little bit, and then go to Instagram. While I'm scrolling through Instagram I get a message from my best friend Normani.

Mani - Hey Lauuurrrr!

Me - Hi ManiBear! What's up?

Mani - Nothing much, just saying hi and checking up on you. Are you mentally prepared for today?

Me - HAHA! Guess so. I had an internal venting session while I was showering. Should be alright.

Mani - Haha! Weirdo ... anyways, good luck. Try to not punch anyone and PLEASE!! Be careful with your facial expressions, remember what happened last time.

Me- You still love me :P. HAHA! GEEZ OKAY MOOOM! I won't roll my eyes at anyone this time.... (or at least make sure the camera is not on me this time)

Mani- Lauren I'm serious ... please behave

Me - Fine, fine I'll behave.

Mani - Thank you

Me - You're welcome. Now, if you'll excuse me I was in the middle of double tapping some cuties and you interrupted me so ... bye

Mani - HAAA! The neeerve! Here I am giving you moral support and that's how you treat me. Wow... Way to spread the love Lauren ... thx

Me - NOOOOOOO HAHAHAHA!! I'm sorry I love youuuu Maaaaniiiiiiiiii :3 *throws chicken wings*

Mani- Damn way to bribe me with chicken wings.... but it worked... love you too Lauser

Me - HAHAHA! B) Works every time.... love you more Mani. I'll text you when I get home tonight.

Mani - DON'T GET FULL OF YOURSELF JAUREGUI! Okay bye................. Behave

Me - Haha byeeee ....... and yesssss

I chuckle a little bit at Mani's last text, block my phone, and go get dressed. I stand in front of my closet thinking of what I should wear.  I sigh and mumble to myself 'It's going to be a long ass day'. 

Camila's POV

*beep beep beep* 7:43 am

"Ugh why why why" I groan, palm my face and rub my eyes. Who invented mornings? I mean yeah the sun is pretty nice. Its warm, shiny, beautiful, helps the plants grow, heck it even helps our bones grow. The sun is not my problem tho. Mornings are my problem. It's like school! Learning is not my problem. My problem is getting up in the morning to go to school. And the work. And the boring teachers. And the obnoxious teenagers. And people in general... Anyway, that's not the point. Truth is,  I love to read, write, learn new things, and passionately discuss those new things learned with other people. Well, the other people part may be a lie, because I'm so awkward... Anyway, what was I thinking? OH YEAH! School! Wait, why was I thinking of school? Oh... Yeah... Mornings... Ugh I have to get up.

I get up, go to my kitchen, and grab a banana. While I'm eating my banana I check my phone for any messages. I have nothing, so I go on Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr. While I'm scrolling through Tumblr I get a message from Luke, my boss.

Luke - Good Morning mysterious K! :D

Ugh why those he have to use that stupid nickname?

Me - Morning Luke... What's up?

Luke - Well I have some update for my favorite mysterious girl! Today you are going to do the usual at work: get my latte, get my crackers, being nice enough to bring them to my office, go to you desk, putting that genius mind of yours to work for today's blog, aaaaaandddd you'regoingonaninterview....

Me - hold up! what?!

He has to be joking right? He knows I hate interviewing! I need to lay down... My head can't take it.

Luke - You're going on an interview ... well to be more clear ... a few interviews. I'm sorry K :/! I need you to cover up for Ashley. She's not feeling well today, and some important people are coming. We really really really need those interviews to get done!

Omg?! We have like 10 billion people working and I have to do it!

Me - WHY DON'T YOU ASSIGN SOMEONE ELSE! We have like 1,000 people in the office! And please do not dare call me "K" again, it is NOT helping you right now 

I scowl at the phone even though he can't see me. I clench my jaw and try to calm down. 'This is really getting me worked up' I think to myself. 

Luke - Today is a busy day! And besides I trust you with this. Come on!! PLEASE CAMILA! 
AKA: K ;) :3

He is such a pain in my ass ... Guess I have no choice.

Me - Fine .. I'll do it.. BUT NO CRACKERS FOR YOU MISTER! I need time to mentally prepare myself for today ...

Luke - YAAAAY!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! And ok :( I guess we all have to make sacrifices *sobs in Lebanese*

Me - WTF?! LOL! ok whatever weirdo. See you at the office.

Luke - Thank you booboo! See you :3

I throw my phone beside me and sigh. I really hate interviews. I'm just so awkward around people, not to mention the big ass camera! Interviews are that part of my job I really dread doing. It gets me on such a bad mood every time I know I have to do it. And seeing/hearing a sentence with 'interview' and 'you' just gives me anxiety. Ugh, I'll just hope that whoever I'm interviewing don't turn out to be complete assholes. I groan and roll on my stomach mumbling 'What a fucking nightmare!'

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