I like you

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Lauren's POV 

Today is Friday, meaning it's my day off. Also, it has been three days since I last saw Camila. We've been texting back and forth these last days, but I miss her. I miss her smile, her eyes, her laugh, her warmth when we're next to each other. It would be bullshit to say I don't know why I'm feeling this way, why I miss her so much, but I really don't. Obviously if anyone else were to come and tell me they're feeling this way I would tell them "dude, strap your parachute real tight, 'cause you're falling hard." But is it really that my case? Am I falling for Camila? I mean, we've only known each other for less than a week. It has been exactly four days, It can't be love, yet. Ugh, this is so frustrating. I've never felt this way before, this attached. But not "attached" in a way that I need Camila, or I can't function properly without her, that would just be pathetic. Attached in a way that when I'm with her, I'm another version of myself, and I like it. I actually like it a lot. I like how she makes me nervous and anxious. I like the way she says the most random things in the most inappropriate times. I like the way she makes me laugh and smile. I like the way we can talk about the most random things and not get bored or tired. I like how she's shy but she's not afraid of expressing herself fully when needed. I like her. I don't care if it's too soon, and I surely don't know if she feels the same way, but I like her. It's a scary feeling, but I love it. I love the way her mere presence drags me out of my comfort zone and introduces me to a whole new world of mixed emotions and contemporary feelings. A world where I don't have anything planned, where I have no control as to what I do because in that moment my feelings are the ones that are taking over, and my mind is intoxicated. It's ironic that I'm giving myself all the answers to my current issue, but It doesn't soothe me. I still feel uneasy, scared, and anxious. There's thousands of questions running through my head, but one precisely stands out. Should I give myself a chance? A chance to trust and rely on another person besides myself. A chance to smile genuinely and be happy. A chance to love and be loved. A chance to hand over my heart. The answer is yes. I just hope that I'm ready enough, and Camila is willing to take the opportunity. 

After the self discovery I had about my feelings, I decided it would be a good idea to talk to someone else rather than myself. To get some out of the box insight. And that's why I'm in the same cafe I've been frequenting this week waiting for my best friend to arrive. Almost on cue a sassy dark skinned girl appeared in front of me with a beaming smile. 

"Hi Laur" she said while extending her arms out to hug me
"Hi Mani" I reciprocated the hug 
"So, what's up how are you?" she said now sitting in front of me
"I'm good, how about you?"
"I'm great, just got out of work. It was a busy day at the office. Sorry for being a little late" 
I shrugged it off "It's fine. How was your day? " she smiled appreciatively. Normani works in a fashion magazine, as an editor and critique. She's one of the best at what she does. We ordered our food, and Mani started telling me how her day went. A few minutes later our food arrived and we began eating. While we ate I spoke up, "hey Mani, I actually wanted to talk to you about something." I said a little uncertain. Normani looked at me and nodded "Shoot" she said while munching on her food.
"Well, I think I might like someone." I said shyly. 
Mani was eating some fries and she looked like she almost choked on them. "What?! Well Lauren spit it out! Who is it?! When? How? Where? TALK WOMAN TALK!" Normani sipped on her soda and motioned with her hand for me to continue. I chuckled and told my best friend how I met Camila and how things have developed in out relationship. She stayed quiet and listened all through the story. Once I was finished talking she asked "So, you like her?"
"Yeah, I think I might." Mani's jaw dropped looking shocked "Don't make that face!" I said kind of annoyed and embarrassed. She shook her head. 

"Well, sorry Laur, but I can't help be a little shocked. Hell , scratch the 'little shocked' I'm astonished!" I rolled my eyes at her. Of course she was going to make a drama out of it. "Hey! Don't be rolling your eyes at me child. I'm just saying that I'm bewildered you'd actually like someone and in such a short period of time! Not that it should matter the time, but it is so unlike you. You're usually so... stiff about that kind of things. You're super hard to impress and picky with the people you associate yourself with. Besides, you're always at work or at home, you never have time to meet new people. Yeah, you've had a couple hook ups, but never something nearly similar as what you're describing with Camila."
"Is that a bad thing?" I ask, feeling a bit self conscious. 
"No, God no! It is actually great. It's different, and totally a change of game for you, but not bad. Change isn't bad Laur. I think sometimes people in general see change as something bad or dreading. But I believe is the total opposite. Yeah, it can be scary. We don't know what's ahead of us, and what that change might bring. But, isn't that what life consists of? Everyday passing by there's always change happening around us. People die, some are born, the world is constantly changing. But that's alright." Mani took a pause and held my hand "I know falling in love is scary Lauren. Not because I've fallen in love a million times in my life, hell I haven't even gotten a proper boyfriend yet, and I'm freaking 24! All I know about love is chicken wings and my Queen B" we both chuckled "But what I do know is that is something new, is change. And even if you're scared out of your pants, what's important is that you keep going, and take a chance. I'm not saying Camila and you are going to get married and have a lot of big ass Cuban babies. But what I am saying is that you should take that chance and live a little more. Stop worrying about what's ahead of you and what people may think or whatever other stupid little details you stress yourself out. Be happy. And if that includes change and taking risks, then so be it." Mani smiled at me and I returned it with a big hug. I felt my eyes water a little bit, but I held on my tears. Even if they were happy tears, I don't like other people watching me cry. "Thanks Mani, I really needed to hear that." I mumble into her hair, she chuckled "You're welcome boo boo." We talked for a little while more and joked around. After that Mani left to finish some stuff at home and I did the same. I went to get some groceries and then headed home. 

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