Love is like a flower

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Lauren's POV

My day was going dearly boring, until I got a text from my favorite brown eyed brunette inviting me over to dinner. I must admit, I felt uneasy when she said the "we need to talk" phrase. That never is good, no matter the circumstance.  Regardless, is still Camila who I'm addressing , so I obviously  agreed to go over and "talk things out". Whatever she meant with that. I'm currently sitting in the back seat of my car while Will drives me to Normani's house. I already finished all my work for today, therefore I'm giving some of my time and attention to my best friend. I kind of miss her too, but I'll never admit that to her face. Her ego is already bigger than her ass, meaning is massive. I chuckle a bit at this, and text Normani I'm on my way, hence I forgot to do it when I finished my work.

I rest my head in the car seat and stare at the hood of the car. I can't help but feel nervous and anxious about tonight's dinner with Camila. In the texts she told me I shouldn't worry about it but I can't help it. What is so important she wants to talk it over dinner? Is she mad at me? I frown at the thought. It can't be that. I mean, I haven't done anything wrong, right? I've been on my best behavior since I acknowledged my increasing crush towards the Latina. All the hook-ups, booty calls, and flings are long gone. I know Camila and I aren't official or anything, but when my heart starts pursing someone I become devoted to that person. Besides I have everything I need and more with Camila, she makes me happy. I have no need to have other romantic interest in my life right now. But, what if Camila doesn't have similar thoughts as mine? What if she hooked up with someone else? Maybe she wants to let me down nicely. Maybe she's not interested in me anymore. What if she found someone else? What if she realized she doesn't like me that way? My stomach simmers at the thought. I shake my head to get rid of these mortifying thoughts. I need to chill out, and patiently wait until I talk with Camila. Besides, she told me it wasn't something bad. I should take her on her word and trust whatever she will tell me wont be horrific.

"We've arrived Miss Lauren" Will announces in a formal tone. It takes me a moment to take in my surroundings, since I was drowned in my train of thoughts. 
I nod my head and exit the car. Before I proceed to Normani's door I check the clock on my phone and it reads 3:21 p.m "I'll be with Normani 'til 5:30 or 6:00 Will, so I'll text you around that time so you can come pick me up." Will nods at my instructions and I smile and leave. I knock at Mani's door and a few seconds later my best friend appears. I step in her house, and we exchange hugs and greetings.

"I'm almost done getting ready, make yourself feel at home." Normani says while heading to her bedroom. I plop down at her couch and start messing with my phone. I scroll through Tumblr, Instagram, Twitter, but nothing helps clear my mind from Camila. Defeated I turn off my phone, throw it beside me and let my head fall back. I'm staring blankly at the ceiling thinking about what could possibly be wrong between Camila and I , when a loud holler startles me. 

"Wake up Lauser!" my best friend hollers while throwing a couch cushion at me. Thankfully I have good reflexes so I prevent it from hitting me in the face. 

"Jesus Mani, what is your problem?" I say annoyed. 
"My problem?" she says with sass "I'm not the one staring at the ceiling like a creepy zombie who just got his brains robbed."
I frown quizzically "What?! What does that even mean Mani?" 
"It means you look like a zombie that is really upset. Heck if my food got robbed I'd be very upset too." she states matter of fact. 
I shake my head and chuckle "Okay, whatever weirdo. Let's just go." I say signaling for the door. I begin to stand up but a hand shoves me back down. 
"Hold it Jauregui! I want to know what's wrong that got you all upset." My best friend raises a brow and stares at me questioningly. 

"It's nothing Mani. I'm fine. I'm just hungry and tired." I say while removing her grip from my shoulder.
"Yeah, and I'm white. I call bullshit. I know something is wrong Lauren. What is it?" she insists 
I let out a sigh "Mani really is nothing. Let's just get some lunch, please?" I say with a serious tone. Normani senses my discomfort and thankfully she lets it go. 
"Fine. Let's go." she says with a histrionic tone while flipping her hair and heading for the door. 
I roll my eyes and fight to hold in a groan, knowing it will only make things worse "Come on Mani don't be like that." I plead 
She stares at me with a bored expression "I'm not being like nothing." I rub my temple and take a deep breath. "Please, let's not fight." I say defeated 
"We aren't fighting my dear friend. I asked you if you were okay. You lied and said you were and that you only wanted to go have lunch. I'm pretending I believe you and agreeing to go have peaceful lunch. I believe that isn't fighting Lorena." Mani says with an unemotional tone, she almost reminds me of a Queen of England, the only thing missing if the British accent. I groan and rub my face forehead. 
"Ugh, please don't do this right now." I say in a vexed tone.
"Do what?" Mani asks with feigned bewilderment. 
I scowl at her "Fine. You're right, something is wrong. But I don't want to talk about it now. So can you please go back to your normal self and have lunch with your haggard best friend?" I say through greeted teeth. 
Mani smiles "Of course boo boo. Let's go." she grabs my hand and drags me to her car. I try to stay mad at her, but it's impossible. So I just chuckle. 

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