What a pleasant surprise

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Lauren's POV  

After I finished eating breakfast at the cafe and drank my coffee, I gave Will the money so he could pay, and went to the car to wait for him. I could've paid it myself but I wanted to give Will the chance to talk with Dinah, and take time for myself to daydream with the cute brunette. She's so breathtakingly beautiful, so stunning and angelic. I admit that I have involved myself with many attractive men and a few beautiful women in the past. But no one could compare to her, she's definitely something else. Her sparkly brown eyes, her long hair, her full lips, and her skin. I want to take an entire day just to admire her beauty and memorize every curve, every mole, every imperfection of her. This is a ridiculous situation for me since I know nothing about this girl. I don't know her name, age, likes, dislikes, passions, interests, work place, I know nothing. But that is exactly why I'm going crazy, I want to know everything.  Every little detail of her that there is to be known I want to discover. 

With a sigh I close my eyes and try to push her away of my thoughts or I won't be able to concentrate on the meeting I have with my manager. While I'm doing my breathing exercises to calm myself so I can concentrate on the meeting, Will enters the car with a smile. 

"Huh, I see someone is very happy. Did you get her number Mr. Will?" I ask with a teasing tone and a smirk.

Will instantly blushes "No Miss Lauren, of course not! These are work hours, I wouldn't dare to do that." he said somewhat shy and embarrassed. 
I chuckled "Oh come on Will! Don't be a grandpa. Did you at least talked to her?"

He smiles at this "Yes, I did. I'm coming back this weekend to have coffee with her"

I rise my eyebrows and let out a humored laugh "Wow! So you didn't get the number but got a date. Well done Will!" I give him a high five to which he accepts. 
Will chuckles too "I guess so." I grin at him.
When the laughter dies down Will clear his throat "Do I take you now to Mr. Green's office Miss Lauren?" he turns and asks me. 

I sigh "Yes" he nods and turns on the engine and accelerates the car. 

We arrive 30 minutes after since John's office was a bit far away from the cafe. 

"We have arrived Miss Lauren" Will announces. I  nod and unbuckle my seat belt. 
"Thank you Will. You don't have to wait for me since I'll probably take a while, but I need you to come for me at 1 o'clock for an interview I have." he nods 

"Very well Miss Lauren. I'll be here at 12:50" I nod and smile at him. I grab my purse and check I'm not leaving anything behind.
 "Thank you Will" I smile at him and he returns the smile. Finally I exit the car and go inside the house where John is waiting for me. 

John Green, the man who has helped me all through my career. He was practically the one who raised me to the artist I am today. He is basically all the family I have here in New York, he's like an uncle to me. We met in a bar when I was 19. I was new to New York, I lived essentially all my life in Miami, but decided to move to New York to pursue my music career. I played in bars from time to time and in one of those nights John found me. When I finished my gig he came up to me praised my talent, and told me he would love to work with me. I was very flattered and shocked, since he seemed like a serious business man. He had confidence when he talked and you could very well tell he had experience. John is the type of man who doesn't get easily impressed, and I felt that vibe since the first moment we spoke. It was definitely one of the best things that has happened to me in my entire life. Thanks to John and him believing in me is the cause of where I am today in my career. 

"Hey there sweetie" John greets me when I enter his office. I give him a cheek kiss and a hug. 

"Hi John, how are you?" I smile and he returns. 

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