Lunch dates and other names

392 16 4

Lauren's POV 

"Okay we're starting in 3, 2, 1 action!" the camera man announces while clapping to the camera, so it can start rolling. 
"Hey viewers! Today I am here at Buzz Feed headquarters with the bright and talented Lauren Jauregui" I hear Camila talking and I could only focus on the way her lips were moving. It takes me a few seconds before I formulate an answer. 
"Hey everybody, thank you so much for having me. It is an honor to be on such a big internet platform today."  I say to the camera and towards Camila. 

"The honor is ours Lauren. So, new album coming out. What can we expect in this album?" she says with a smile.

I return it "Well I think in this album my fans will get to appreciate more my songwriting, since most of the songs were completely written by me. There are also some very dope songs. Hopefully the public in general will enjoy it." 
"I bet they will. Everyone is so excited to hear your next album! Now, I'll be asking you some questions from Twitter" Camila has a smirk plastered on her face. 
"Oh boy. Let's see what they want to know. Hit me" I say with fake enthusiasm. 

"First question. What are some of your musical Influences?" 
"Ah that's a tough one." I chuckle "There are so many. But first on that list are Lana del Rey for sure, Alicia Keys, Christina Aguilera, Amy Winehouse . And I could go on so yeah" I grin and Camila returns a smile  "Favorite fruit?"

"Mango. Always." I smile.

And so Camila goes on and on with all the random questions. Both of us laughing and smiling brightly. Until she gets to the more personal ones. 

"So Lauren I'm sorry to bother you with these questions, but the fans are dying to know. Are you single?" 
I sigh "Don't worry about it. And yes. I am very single and ready to mingle." I laugh loudly and Camila joins me "Oh my god! I'm just kidding! Please cut that out of the video. No, but for real I'm single" I gaze at Camila she' smiling shyly. 
"Well folks there you have it. Miss Lauren Jauregui is single and ready to mingle, so take your chances." she says with a playful tone. 
I join her and blush a bit 'God she is beautiful and so cute'. 
"So Lauren, any crushes or interest?" I get shy with the question. Since the person I think I might crushing on is the one asking me. 

"Um, actually I think I do" I say deliberately. 
"Huh" she pauses "Well that's great! Who is the lucky man?" This time around Camila's smile doesn't reach her eyes and she seems uncomfortable. 'Why the change? She was just laughing a few seconds ago.' 
I furrow my eyebrows "Well, I can't say yet since I don't know if my feelings are returned. And i just met this person. But as soon as I am sure they are the one, you will be the first  one to know" I smirk 
"Well, we'll be waiting. I bet everyone will be dying to know who this mystery man is." 

"They'll know soon" I smile at Camila and she just stares at the camera.

"That's all the questions we have for today. Thank you so much Lauren, good luck with your album, and nice meeting you"  She now looks at me smiling but is not the same as early on in the interview. I feel a frown about to surface, but I smile nonetheless.

"Thank you guys for having me." I say and try to meet Camila's gaze again but she just stares at the camera. 
"And CUT! Okay, I think that was good. Everybody go to lunch break and then we will continue with the interviews. I want everyone here by 4 o'clock" says the camera man. I believe by now he's also the one in charge. I turn to look to my left side where Camila was sitting and see she's already hurriedly picking up her stuff to leave. 

"Well someone's hungry" I say teasingly. 
"Kind of, but I really have to go. That's all" She keeps picking up her stuff and doesn't look at me. I was about to say something but she just turns and leave. 'What is her deal?' I go after her.
"Hey Camila wait up!" She stops and spins to look at me 
"What?" she sounds aggravated.
"A-are you okay?" I soften my expression and turn my tone down. I don't want to upset her.  
"Yes, I'm fine." she sighs "I'm sorry for snapping at you, I just been having a bad day." she gives me a sympathetic smile as saying sorry. I nod and smile back in understanding.
"It's okay." I don't say anything else and neither does she. We just stand there awkwardly staring at each other. 'She's so beautiful' I think to myself. And before I can stop myself I'm the first one to talk. 

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