Moving In

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Dipper's POV:

Gruncle Stan showed us to our room. It was a pretty big space, but just enough room for me and Mabel. Mabel and I walked in and Stan closed the door behind us. Mabel immediately ran and jumped on her bed on the right side.

"I'm going to like it here." she said.

I threw my bag on the second bed and flopped down on it.

"Lucky you." I said.

"Come on Dipper, lighten up. You're going to love it here! Just you wait."

Mabel opened up her suitcase and pulled out about 10 pictures of her cat, mom, dad and... a boy band? Mabel had the craziest mind in the world, but I liked that. It was then that I heard something outside. I decided to check it out.

Mabel's POV:

I looked behind me at Dipper limp on his bed. He looked miserable. That was until he got this confused look on his face, picked up his backpack and walked to the door.

"Where are you going, Dip?" I asked.

"Um... out." he said and closed the door.

I guess he's going to check out his new surroundings. Cool!

Stan's POV:

I was standing behind the cash register, bored out of my skull. This crazy, skinny dork couldn't decide between a puma shirt or a panther shirt. I was about to kick him out when Dipper walked in and past me, heading toward the exit.

"Hey kid, where you going?" I asked.

"Um... out." he answered.

"Try not to run into any wolves!" I shouted as he left the store.

Weird kid, I hope he doesn't run into any trouble.

Dipper's POV:

I walked out into the bright, hot outdoors, half expecting tons of cars and people. But surprisingly, no one was out there except for me.

If no one's outside... I thought. Then what was that noise?

I heard a chomping sound behind me and quickly turned around in shock. It was a goat. It was a light brown colour with tinted yellow eyes and slits for pupils. It looked straight at me and didn't move. This is the perfect time to get a picture, makes it easier for Mabel if I help, right? I quickly brought out my camera and got myself ready to shoot. I took a perfect picture of the goat, Mabel's going to love it.

That was until I looked at the photo again and saw something different. The goats eyes weren't yellow anymore, they looked red and angry.

Weird. I thought.

I put my camera back in my bag when at the corner of my eye, I saw the goat racing toward me with those same red eyes. Before I realised what had just happened, I was running for my life, right into the woods. I never looked back. I ran faster and faster, dodging trees and leaping over roots. My legs were burning and aching from running for so long, so I slowed down and hid behind a very tall tree.

What just happened? I thought.

I was breathing so fast I thought I would explode. Peeking around the tree, I was shocked. The goat was gone! Sitting down I closed my eyes to calm down. But it wasn't working. I was worried from what had just happened and it was scary.

I losing my mind. I thought. The strange noises, the terrifying sights? It's all in your head, Dipper. Calm...

It was then that I heard another sound coming out of a tree. I stood up quickly and turned around to look at the tree I was leaning against. There was something... different about this tree I know it. I knocked on the tree and surprisingly, it was hollow and sounded like metal. There was a button on the tree and I pushed it. A hatch opened in the dirt revealing a huge cloud of dust. In the deep hole I saw a book, covered in spider webs and dirt. I picked it up and inspected it. It was a journal! The book was a darkish red colour with a gold 6-fingered hand and on the hand, was a number 3. This came to my one conclusion...

Gravity Falls is not what it seems.

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