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Dipper's POV:

I opened one of my eyes and looked down. I could not believe what I saw.

Oh my god! I thought.

"Pretty neat, huh kid?" Bill said, reading my thoughts.

"Bill!" I screamed. "What did you do?"

"Better question is, what did you do?"

I think my mind was broken, either that or I was actually floating. I looked over at Mabel with a worried look on my face. She returned my gesture with the most terrified expression I've ever seen. She seemed... afraid of me. But why?

"What's happening to me?" I asked Mabel.

She shrugged her shoulders with that look still on her face.

"Congrats, Pinetree." Bill said, clapping. "Just one step closer to becoming my puppet!"

"What?" Mabel and I screamed.

"You heard me. I'm teaching you how to be like me."

On man, this can't be happening. I looked back to Mabel who was passed out on the ground.

"Mabel!" I screamed, falling to the ground.

I ran over to Mabel and shook her, trying to wake her up.


"What are you yelling at me for, Pinetree? I'm not the one who did it."

I stopped. Shocked, I looked back at Cipher.

"I-I did this?" I asked.

"Sure did. You were scared for your sister so you knocked her out cold. Hahaha! She'll wake up tomorrow and think it was all a dream."

"No! This can't be happening. Mabel! You have to wake up."

"No use trying, kid."

"You have to reverse this! Please, I'm begging you."

Bill was getting on my last nerve. It was horrible that Mabel was out because of me. She'll wake up the next morning not knowing what I'm turning into.

"I'll do anything to get her to wake up. Please Bill." I said.

Bill crossed his arms.

"Sorry kid, you'll have to wait until morning." he said.

"You can't make me wait that long!"

"Too late!"

Bill snapped his fingers and I was in pitch, black, darkness.

Stan's POV:

It was only 6:00am. The Shack didn't open for another 2 hours. I tried to go back to sleep, it's hard to scam customers when I'm tired. But I couldn't because I kept hearing this annoying snoring coming from upstairs. And I thought I was the only one who does that. The snores where getting on my last nerve, so I managed to get out of bed to make that snorer stop. I went up to the attic, the only two people that lived here were Dipper and Mabel... and the occasional Soos, until I kicked him out for good.

I slowly opened the door to the twins sleeping and Dipper, more or less, was snoring up a storm. Literally, it sounded like a thunder storm in that room. I was surprized Mabel was able to sleep through this nonsense. I wanted to have some fun, so I'm going to scare Dipper. I'm a little rusty, but somehow I've always seemed to scare off parents wallets, uh, I mean children, so this should be a snitch. I quietly snuck over to the doofus's bed and stood over him like that huge totem pole in front of my Shack. He slowly opened his eyes and I scared the living daylights out of him.

Dipper screamed so loud, I thought he would shatter the bedroom window. I then felt something tap me on my back, like someone was behind me. I scanned behind me, no one was there. But when I glanced upwards, a huge bucket of ice cold water dumped right on top of me.

"Argh! What the H?" I screamed.

And that little rascal was laughing at me. Not kidding, he was laughing at his Gruncle Stan.

"Hey, kid!" I yelled, angrily. "You and I need to have a talk!"

Dipper's POV:

It was dark and there was nothing around me. I'm obviously sleeping, right? I can't be asleep! I have to wake up so I can set things straight with Mabel, before anything else major happens to me. It took most of my will power, but I managed to open my eyes. I was then met, face to face, with Stan.

"BOO!" he shouted really loud.

I jumped up with fright and screamed my heart out... well, almost. I really thought Mabel would wake up from my high pitched scream, but she never did. I don't precisely know what really happened, but I felt a shock. Then before I knew it, Gruncle Stan was covered head to toe in... water? And for some reason, I found that funny. Not the 'tiny prank on Stan' funny, but like a 'I want to get rid of Stan' funny. But why? Before I could think about what happened, I started laughing like a maniac. As in, I couldn't stop myself. One part of me wanted to stop, but the other part wanted more revenge on Gruncle Stan. Like half Dipper half... Bill. The next thing I knew, Stan was going to have a talk with me. I wanted to tell him that wasn't me, but...

I think it was.

Mabel's POV:

I woke up at around 7:00am with a splitting headache. I tried to remember what happened last night with me, Dipper and Bill, but it was all fuzzy. It was like a dream but not a dream.

Once I yawned, stretched and got fully awake, I swear I heard voices coming from downstairs. It was Dipper and Gruncle Stan, so I got dressed and headed down the stairs, hoping breakfast was made. Instead, I got a view of a first time 'adultly' Stan, giving Dipper a lecture.

"What happened here, Gruncle Stan?" I asked, walking into the kitchen.

Stan stopped talking and looked at me.

"Oh, Mabel." he said. "Can you go into the living room? Just until I'm done."

I didn't want to argue, so I nodded and left. I sat in Gruncle Stan's chair, staring at the ceiling when I heard Dipper come in the room. He stopped and came closer to me.

"How you feeling?" he whispered.

"I just have a minor headache." I whispered back. "Do you think you can explain fully what happened with Bill last night?

He hesitated, like he was hiding something.

"Maybe later, ok?"

Then Dipper walked off, upstairs. I heard him close the door and now I was deeply concerned for Dipper.

He's hiding something, I know it. I thought. But what?

My moment of thought was cut off by Stan calling me back into the kitchen.

"Hey, kiddo." Stan said. "Sorry about that. Just a minor issue."

"What was that all about?" I asked.

We both sat back at the table.

"Your doofus brother got in trouble for dumping a bucket of water on me."

"That doesn't seem so bad."

"And he laughed at me."


Ok, that seemed bad. I know it looked like a little joke, but laughing at Gruncle Stan? That's not the DippingSauce I know. It's time to see what's up.

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