Where Are You Dipper?

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Mabel's POV:

It has been 2 days since Dipper's been missing. Gruncle Stan reported him to the police yesterday and they haven't brought anything back. I swear those guys do a horrible job at their work. I wanted to go look for Dipper myself, but Stan didn't want me going missing as well.

"I can't be without Dipper, Gruncle Stan! I'm surprised you haven't died from loneliness!" I shouted.

"Don't give me that tone, Mabel Pines." he said back. "The police will handle this, I just don't want to lose you too."

"You're going to have to either way! If Dipper dies, so do I! I couldn't live with myself if Dipper got hurt, or worse!"

Then Stan gave me this really angry face.

"For the last time, you're not going out there! Go to your room! Now!"

I stomped up the stairs to the attic and slammed the door shut.

Wait, this is wrong. I thought. This is not the Mabel I know. What's going on?

I couldn't believe it, I just yelled and talked back to my Gruncle Stan on the same day. I was like a whole other person. I only had one thing to blame...

"Bill!" I shouted really loud.

All of a sudden, the bedroom turned into a black and white movie colour and out came the demon himself.

"Oh Shooting Star, we meet again." he said.

"Quit playing dumb, Dorito!" I said. "What did you do with my brother?"

"Who? Pinetree?"

"His name... is Dipper!"

I've had it up to literally the moon with this guy. I wanted really, really badly to take my pink, glittered, jumbo pen amd stab him in the eye with it. 3 days without a brother is really killing me and Bill was not helping with my anger and rage.

"Give me back my brother or else..."

"Or else what, Shooting Star? Because attempting to stab me with your pen wont work." Bill interupted.

"We'll just have to see, wont we?" I said.

Then I grabbed my pen and held it like I was throwing a dart. With all my might, I threw the pen at Bill. But just a second before my pen struck him, Bill disappeared and my pen hit the wall just an inch away from the picture of mom's head.

"Told you it wouldn't work." Bill said, appearing right behind me.

I turned around and Bill grabbed me by my neck.

"Look kid." he said, squeezing my neck harder. "You will never be able to find Pinetree. And neither will those dumb officers. Face it Shooting Star, you're just going to end up alone."

I started to cry, terrified from what Bill had said. He then dropped me back onto the floor, I was still crying, trying to get as much air into my lungs as possible. Bill left with hysterical laughter. The dull bedroom soon turned back into it's coloured self.

I slowly stand up and walk over to my bed. Laying down on it, I hug Dipper's unique Pine tree hat.

"Oh Dipper." I said, sobbing. "Where are you?"

Stan's POV:

I started to think how rough I was on Mabel. If only she knew. It's been 10 minutes since she got sent to her room, so I decided to check on her and apologise. As I went upstairs to her room, I heard sobbing.


I knocked on the door, but there was no answer. I knocked again only to hear a click in return. I opened the door slowly, hoping Mabel was sleeping. But as I suspected, she wasn't. Fully getting in the room, the bedroom window was open and Mabel was running into the woods.

"Mabel!" I yelled to her. She didn't stop.

Mabel's POV:

As I was running into the forest, I heard Gruncle Stan call my name. I ignored him and kept running. I was not going to let that demon triangle take away my brother. I'm going to find him if it's the last thing I do!


I was deep in the woods. It was cold and dark. I needed to find Dipper before something bad happened to him. The dry leaves crinkled below my feet, but the sound was faster than my pace. I stopped, still hearing the crackling noise. I was being followed. Starting to run, I ran faster and faster hoping that my follower was lost behind me. But the faster I went, the more tired I became. I looked back to see if the person was still there, then I tripped over a huge root sticking out of the ground. Crashing to the ground, my knee landed hard on a big rock, forming a painful bruise on my leg. I wasn't able to walk, so I crawled, weakly and hid behind a tree.

Hiding was pointless because of my whimpering from my injured leg.

"Mabel?" the voice said.

I recognize that old man voice anywhere... Stan!

"Gruncle Stan!" I shouted through my pain. "I'm over here!"

I peeked from behind the tree to see Gruncle Stan sprinting toward my hiding spot.

"Oh my god, Mabel." he said. "What happened to your leg?"

I replied slowly.

"I... fell."

"What were you thinking?"

"I need to find Dipper, Bill has him. He spoke to me earlier, telling me I wasn't going to find him."

I started to tear up.

"And said I was going to end up alone."

Stan hugged me and I started to cry... hard.

"I know you don't want to end up like me." he said. "I can honestly tell you I know exactly how you feel."

"How?" I asked, sobbing.

"Because this exact thing happened to me."

Stan's POV:

Mabel was clearly, very confused. I told her I would explain later. I finally agreed to help Mabel search, so I carefully lifted her up and placed her on my shoulders.

At least she was light.

As we strolled deeper into the woods, we heard laughter coming from the center.

"I hear Bill." Mabel said, pointing to the area of the sound.

"I hear Dipper." I added.



I held onto Mabel tight as I ran to a clearing in the center of the forest. I stopped when I saw Dipper.

"Why did you stop?" Mabel asked.

"Look." I replied.

We both face to see Dipper with tinted yellow eyes, slits for pupils and had... powers?

"Dipper!" Mabel shouted.

"Mabel?" I said.

She looked down to me and I glanced up at her.

"That's not your brother."

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