Fighting Back

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Bill's POV:

I just couldn't believe it. Shooting Star actually broke him out of my trance. Good for her. But she just made the biggest mistake of her life.

"Welcome back to reality, Pinetree." I said, turning around to see my two favorite pawns.

He glared at me.

"No more games, Bill!" Pinetree shouted. "It's over! We're going to get rid of you and your chaos!"

"Hahaha! Weak chance! You can't defeat me, I'm all powerful!"

Then Pinetree pulled out a black case and opened it. Oh no.

"Maybe I can't..." he said, taking the weapon out of the box. "But this can!"

Mabel's POV:

I saw the scared look in Bill's eye and I was happy.

"Come on, Dipper!" I encouraged. "You can do it! Show Bill you're not his puppet anymore!"

Bill turned red and zoomed down to me. Wow. Never seen him like this before, yeesh.

"Oh Shooting Star." he said, ruffling my hair, then grabbing onto my sweater collar. "Don't you remember our deal? You said I could take over Gravity Falls."

I slipped out of my sweater and crashed to the ground.

"Yes, I do." I said, standing up. "And I'm calling it off!"

Bill turned back into his yellow self and laughed hysterically.

"It's funny how dumb you are, Shooting Star. You see? That's not how this works. You can't call of a deal!"

"Then how about another deal from me?" Dipper stated, placing the gun back in it's case.

My eyes widened.

"Dipper!" I shouted at him. "What the heck are you doing?"

Dipper looked at me and sighed.

"You saved me. Now it's my turn to save you."

"Dipper! Don't!"

Bill threw my sweater back at me and hovered in front of Dipper, arms crossed.

"Alright, kid." he said. "What do you got?"

Dipper's POV:

I thought for a moment. Knowing Bill, he would probably twist the deal. He wasn't going to win, that's for sure.

"The deal is..." I started. "You aren't allowed to harm or hurt any Gravity Falls citizens ever again."

Bill squinted his eye.

"Ok, but what are you doing for me?" he asked.

I sighed and looked at Experiment 618.

"You can destroy that." I said, pointing at it.

"Dipper!" I heard Mabel yell. "You can't do that, we need it!"

I held my hand out to Bill.

"Sorry, Mabel. I'm doing this for you."

"You can't! Stop!"

But it was too late... Bill and I had already shaken hands.

Mabel's POV:

Dipper, why? Dipper, why? Dipper, why?

My brain was literally taking a huge beating.


Here's a hint, out starts with a 'D-' and ends with an '-ipper'.

I know he's trying to protect me and all, but I can take care of myself. I had to fend for myself for a week because he turned evil and stuff. I couldn't keep my anger in for much longer.

"Dipper, you idiot!" I shouted.

I immediately covered my mouth, almost in tears.

"Well that's no way to treat your brother, Shooting Star." Bill said.

I swear I wasn't myself because I shouted right back.

"Don't talk to me like that, Bill! You the one who went to him and ruined my life!"

"Oh really? You want to insult me again?"

"You're nothing but a flying Dorito with arms and legs! You only hurt others for your own humor! One word to describe you..."

"Don't you dare, Shooting Star!"

"A jerk!"

"That's it!"

Bill turned red again and grew big, with bolts of electrical sparks surrounding him.

"Hey!" Dipper shouted. "What about our deal?"

Bill snapped his fingers and Dipper was tied up with a gag in his mouth.

"Think about it, Pinetree." he said. "Neither you or Shooting Star are from here, are you?"

Dipper's eyes widened and so did mine.

"Dipper! You should've knew what you were going to say!" I yelled at Dipper.

He just shrugged his shoulders and gave a worried expression. Since Bill didn't seem to be paying attention to me, I ran up to Dipper so I could untie him. After about a minute, I finally got the knots undone.

I was about to get the gag out of his mouth when Dipper started to scream some words I couldn't understand. Before I knew it, my mind went all mumble jumble and I passed out.

Dipper's POV:

I honestly thought I worded that deal right. Apparently not!

Mabel had just finished untying the ropes, when I glanced over at Bill, who was aiming a black, smokey arrow at Mabel. I needed to warn her but I couldn't because of this stupid gag.

This was horrible, I felt horrible. All I wanted to do was protect Mabel, but I just managed to put her in more danger.

The arrow hot Mabel and she passed out right before my eyes. I unraveled the ropes around me and got the gag out of my mouth.

"Mabel!" I cried. "Mabel, Mabel, Mabel! Listen to me! Mabel!"

I shook her lightly but she still didn't respond. My sister was gone, probably dead, and it's all my fault. I looked over to where Experiment 618 sat, it was... still... there.

Wait golf on a second. Bill had totally forgotten to destroy it! He was too focused on being angry at Mabel that he abandoned it.

I used every ounce of me remaining energy to run to the gun, pick it up and point it at Bill.

Then... it was flung out of my hands... by him.

"Well well well, Pinetree." he boomed. "Did you really think you could sneak past me? In case you have forgotten I'm..."

"An all powerful dream demon." I interrupted.

Bill picked me up by my neck.

"Don't think I can't kill you too!"

I didn't care what Bill was going to do to me. I was just limp in his grasp.

"Fine, Bill. Do your worst. If Mabel dies, so do I."

Bill made a knife appear and held it down against my neck.

"Have a nice swim!" he said.

"I don't think so, Bill Cipher!" I heard a deep voice say. "You have no dominion in our world!"

I wasn't able to see who or what it was because all I saw was a bright flash, me falling to the ground and Bill...


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