Chapter 2

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I woke up to an acrid smell and a deafening sound that could be heard for miles. Where am I? This could not be happening. Confused, I tried to sit up. Wincing in pain, I looked around. As I did, I could see fire and magma flowing around me. What?

Footsteps pounded down the hallway. They seemed to be coming closer to me. I backed into one of the corners and hid my face. The intruder walked up to my cell. I looked at them and they looked back. I decided to break the silence.

"Who are you? Where am I? What do you want?" I yelled. The stranger continued to look at me. They seemed to be thinking about something. I tried to make out the strangers face but something about the surroundings seemed to make the intruders face not come into focus.

Suddenly, the stranger opened the door and walked inside.

"No! No please. Don't hurt me, Please!" I screamed. I had never felt such terror and horror consume me at once.

"Stop. Stop struggling. Everything is going to be okay." The stranger whispered. His voice seemed to sooth me just a bit and I went limp in his grasp. Everything faded to black.

I was woken by a mechanical light shining overhead.

"Mia, Mia can you hear me? Don't be frightened. I'm Ms. Tenebrook. We're going to help you." A voice sounded in the distance.

"What? What's happening? Why can't I move my arms and legs?"

"Don't worry about that, sweetie. That was just a precaution. You are quite the fighter. We're just concerned for your safety."

I looked around the room. I assumed I was laying in a gurney because I could see hospital-like instruments on a tray nearby. But there was something strange about the gurney. I could feel an opening on the bottom of the gurney where my upper back was. Why would I need-- Oh. Did I have... Wings?

"Mia. You are very special to us and we want to help you in this transition. In order for us to help you, we need your full cooperation in this."

"I don't know about that." I stuttered, "I don't know you people or what you want with me?"

"You'll find that out soon enough." Ms. Tenebrook said.

"Do I, Do I have wings?" I asked hesitantly.

"Yes you do, Mia. That is why you are here. We need to run some tests in order to know why you have that certain pair of wings."

"Wait, what do you mean certain pair of wings?"

"At your ceremony, you received a pair of wings that are the rarest wings of all. They are the black eagle wings. Only a few angels have ever gotten them. We had to take you from Heaven so we could protect you. That's why you are here, in Hell."

"In Hell?! What the heck am I doing here? I certainly don't belong here. My friends will be looking for me."

"They may be looking for you, but they will never find you. Not without you finding them first, but enough of that, I'll let you rest first. Then we can get started. Oh! Before I forget, Onyx, get over here and introduce yourself."

At the sound of his name, I immediately shivered, from anticipation or being frightened, I did not know. A boy around my age suddenly appeared out of the shadows. He had black hair that partially covered his ice blue eyes. He was gorgeous in a fallen angel kind of way.

"Onyx, stay with Mia until I come back in the morning. Take care of her." Ms. Tenebrook cooed.

"I will, ma'am."

Even his voice was beautiful. God, Mia, control yourself. You don't even know who this is.

When Ms. Tenebrook left the room, I suddenly had a chilling feeling course through me. Onyx was dangerous. That much I knew.

"Hello Mia. Welcome to Hell."

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