Dear Diary - last part

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Author's Note

Hi everyone, this is the first time I put up an author's note. Just to let you know, that this will be the last chapter for this story. Got writer's block and no dreams to fill out in this diary.

Every time I write this novel and publish it. There is a sense of serene and I felt like I am letting go. I am sad that this will be the last chapter.

 While reading this chapter, listen the song cause while writing this chapter, I hear this song to give out the vibe.

I will post out a new novel soon. The genre is different than this one. 

Hope you had fun reading my stories. 

Thank you.


Thirteen years later

"Know that Lara, your mother loves you will all her heart. The End."

"Aunt Sarah, is that it?" Lara eyes Sarah will gleam of hope. A flint of disappointment courses through her face. Sarah knows those face very well.

"Yup. I have read this for you Lara, every night before you sleep. I know you memorise this word by word. Know that your mother love you so much that she replaces her life for your heartbeat."

Emily sacrifice her life for her daughter. That is her decision.  I was there to see and I don't have the nerve to stop it. She decide to keep her baby. Max strongly objects it. As stubborn as my best friend is, she is determined and I respect her decision for it.

Thirteen years ago

 "I made my decision doctor. I want to keep her."

"Her?" the doctor question me.

"I get a feeling that this bundle of joy is a girl." Emily rub her stomach with loving sooth.

"Are you sure? This is your final decision?"

"Yes. Please excuse me. I need to talk to Sarah for a while."

Everyone went out of room except for me and Max. Emily was still sitting in the hospital bed.

"I do not agree to this. Who is going to take care of this baby when you are DEAD?" Max speaks up.

"I already know your answer judging from the question. I already made some arrangements and it does not involve YOU ASSHOLE!" Emily shouts.

Max was wide eyed. He knows he slipped out this time and there is no turning back from it. 

"Emily--, I'm sorry"

"Get out Max. I don't want to lost her for shouting to you."

Max was out as fast as lightning. He know he done it this time.

I was shocked. For the first time, I was seeing Emily stand up for herself. Not being the lost puppy when Max is with her. I know that Max is married when he is with Emily. I kept my mouth shut as Max blackmails me to hurt my family if I tell Emily. After a while, I cannot take it anymore. I ignore it and tell Emily anyway but she didn't listen. Since then, I stop as when I tell her the story and Max find out about it. I lose my daughter and the ability to give birth again. He is evil beyond the pale.

"Sarah, I am sorry. I didn't listen to you and I feel very guilty and also for being a total idiot."

"I know you are a total idiot. Emily, this time I agree with Max, who would take care of her? Your family is no more." I look at her with concern.

"Can I ask my daughter to replace your daughter?"

I was shocked. I froze on the spot.

"I wanted you to take care of her. While I am still alive, I will take care of her until I die. I beg of as your best friend. Take care of her for me. Love her like I would love her, Care for her, give her my love and your love with all the care in the world." She said that while looking at me with the look of hope. 

"Yes. With no hesitation, yes. I will love her indefinitely if she makes it Emily. I will make sure you make it as well. We are going to raise her together. I love you. You are like my sister.  You just give me a hope that I cannot get with all the money in the world. My own child. Even though I can adopt but, it will never be the same. Thank you."

I sank there. Crying. Knowing the one thing that I tend to cannot have then I will have it.

"I love you too Sarah. Well, then I should get ready."

"Ready for?" I look at her with question while saying that.

"Taking the baby out when she is ready. Haha. Let's go back."

After eight months, she give birth to a baby girl and still lives. The internal blooding can be controlled. But, she lost one of her ovaries due to the rupture of the fallopian tube. They say is a miracle. The case like Emily is one in a million. She is one in a million.

Emily live with me. We raise her together. With me and my husband, Harold. Harold didn't like it at first. But, as he look at Lara, he fell in love with her in first sight. I am happy. We are happy. As time goes by, Max still comes to bother us to take the baby.

Me and Emily fought in court and I got the full custody of Lara. I felt secure that my niece is not with that abomination.  I found out that Sola had an abortion and the family breaks up for the loss of their child. Max wanted to take Lara in order to save his family but as the law makes it decision, he cannot do anything. They got a divorce and Max goes insane. He is being held up in the psychiatric hospital.

Now, I felt at bliss and happy. Me and Emily is safe.

But, not for long.

After three years with Emily, complications from the birth arises. All of the sudden, a malignant tumour just pop up from Emily's ovary due to effects of giving birth to Lara and family history. She died four months after that.

I was devastated. We all are. Lara, especially. Knowing she lost one of her mothers. We grief for a long time until I found Emily's journal that she wanted Lara to read. I have been reading to her since then every night before she sleeps. 


"I love you too Mom. Thank you for reading this to me, Aunt Sarah. Good night."

"Good night dear child."

"Aunt Sarah, can I call you mother? You know, since you took my custody and basically you are my sole guardian."

"Of course you can baby. Hearing that, this is the happiest day of my life." I hug her close. My wish comes true. Thank you, Emily. Helping me.

"Well then. Good night mother."

"Good night Lara."

I got up from her bed and look at her table. There is a photograph. Photograph of four of us. Me, Harold, Lara and Emily. Smiling.

Life must go on. 


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