In the hospital

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Ponyboy's pov

After what had probably been the worst week of my life, I'm glad it was all over.

There I was, just sitting in the waiting room at the hospital. I felt completely hopeless, although I wasn't the one who was injured.

Johnny was.

I couldn't imagine how he felt, that is if.. No never mind. I knew he was going to make it, I could feel it. He had to, I don't know what I'd do without him...

Just then one of the nurses came over and told us we could go in, my eyes lit up. I was so excited to see him, but so terrified to see the results of the nasty fire.

I crept into the room, I was the first to go in. As soon as I stepped in Johnny's face lit up like a firework on the Fourth of July. His face was a little burnt up, but other than that he looked perfect.

Why was he so adorable?

"Pony!" He exclaimed, he sounded so much better.

"Hey Johnny, how ya doing?" I asked moving closer to the bed, following me was Soda and Dally. "Yeah, how're things Jon?" Dally added.

"Oh ya know, I'm kinda hooked up in things right now..."

I giggle a bit, I love his sense of humour. He seemed so happy for the first time in so long. Johnny started to smile, ugh I love his smile.

"Hey pony, the nurse says I should be outta here by tomorrow."

I couldn't help but smile, that's the best news I've heard in a while.

Later, the nurse came in and told us we had to leave, I dreaded ever leaving him, but I had to. Soda, Dally, and I all went back to my place.

Johnny's pov

It was so sad to see him leave, I mean them leave. Ah who am I kidding, I know who I miss. Ponyboy...

When we were up in that church it made me realize something I've never seen before.

I like him, and not just like best friends.

I mean how couldn't I.. His smile, his personality, his voice. Everything about him was so perfect.

I used to talk about killing myself, but now I'm so glad that I'm gonna make it. Now that I've realized I have pony, something to live for.

Ponyboy's always been there, I just never really looked until recently.

End of chapter 1

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