Chapter 1: A new beginning

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Nathan nervously sat down as the train left the station. He stared out the window to see platform 9 3/4 growing fainter behind him. He still couldn't believe what had happened the past few days. His life had changed drastically in the past week, from being told he was a wizard, to buying his own wand, to running through a brick wall to a train platform.

As he thought, his fingers lightly tapped a melody on his left, it was a song he had just learned on the piano before he left. As excited as he was, there was a tiny part of him that was worried, he always had trouble making friends, socially awkward his parents would say, he hoped that wouldnt be a problem at his new school, hozwarn, or Hogwarts or something. He had grown up as the outsider, the one who always sat alone at lunch, the one who was always picked last for a team, and he really didn't want that to happen again.

Hogwarts was a school for magic, for 18-25 year old witches and wizards who had graduated high school in a non-magical community. You were notified by an owl if you made it in, it was the kind of school and all magical parents wanted their kids to attend. If you didn't have a magical background, someone would also be sent to explain. Nathan has skipped two grades, so he hoped that his age wouldn't make a difference.

Nathan looked out the window to see the countryside flying past him, this would have been the perfect time to write a new song, but he had left all his stuff in his trunk, which he could barely lift, so that option was gone.

It was really warm on the train and just as he was about to fall asleep, there was knock, and the door slid open. Standing there were two boys, one had a shaved head and the other looked like he was wearing hair extensions and earrings.

"Ey sorry but everywhere else is full, can we sit here?" asked the boy with the earring, he had a thick Bolton accent and Nathan could barely make out what he was saying.

Before Nathan had a chance to reply the two boys had already sat down.

"Hey, I'm Max and this is Tom," said the boy with the shaved head. "Its our first year, and we're so excited, we've been waiting for this forever'"

"Umm I'm Nathan, its m-my f-first year t-too," Nathan stuttered.

"Are you a muggle-born?" Tom asked, wincing when Max kicked him.

"Hey! Remember what your parents said, don't ask that, its rude!" scolds Max.

Nathan looked at them, he wished he had a friendship like the two boys infront of him did, " No its fine umm whats a muggle? I have non-magical parents if thats what you mean." The word felt weird in his mouth, magic.

"Yeah you're right, muggles are non-magical people" Max explained, he looked like he was going ot say something else but Tom poured a glass of water on him, which resulted in a fight between the two boys,  just as Nathan was starting to think he should do something, the two boys started laughing.

"You look a bit young for 18 though, how old are you?" Max asked.

"Ermm I'm 16 actually, I skipped a coouple of years in high school." Nathan replied nervously.

There was an awkward silence until Tom suddenly asked, ""So what sort of music are you into?" 

Nathan was shocked, he didnt know magical people listened to music.

"I love Boys ll Men, Stevie Wonder umm, Coldplay, I also play the piano, compose and sing,' He replied

"No Way!" Max exclaimed, " Us too, except we play the guitar, we could totally start a band!"

The rest of the train trip was spent discussing music and future plans. Even though he was thousands of miles from home, and moving further away, Nathan felt like home, like he belonged.


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