Chapter 6: Just Nathan Left

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Nathan and Tom climbed the steps to the Gryffindor common room. They had left Jay, Max and Siva in the great hall.

"I can't believe we have homework on the first day." Tom grumbled.

"I like the homework, this magic stuff is interesting." Nathan replied.

"That what you think now, but give it a month or so for the shock to wear off, you'll be bored of it too."

Nathan didn't agree, he didn't think anyone could get bored of magic. He had seen his transfiguration teacher change into a big black dog right in front of him earlier, it was the coolest thing he had ever seen!

"I cant believe we didn't get any girls either!" Tom complained again, "I mean if even Max can get a girl interested, it can't be that hard right?"

"Maybe you'll find a girl you like tonight." Nathan suggested.

"Possibly... Hey what do you think about that Kelsey girl? She's in Gryffindor too."

Nathan quickly thought through all the girls he knew, "Is it the loud blond one?"

Tom nodded thoughtfully, "Think she'll be interested in me?"

"I don't know mate, give it a try." Nathan gave Tom a clap on the back, and the two went up to their room.


This chapters really short, sorry :/

I've been busy lately, but do your thing anyways :) Fan/Vote/Comment :D

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