Chapter 4: Potions with Slytherin

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Max, Nathan, Tom and the other first-years were going to the dungeons for their first class, potions.

They had potions with the Slytherin first-years, and the three of them were excited to see Jay and Siva again. They were also excited for their first class, Nathan could barely sleep last night from the anticipation, he was starting to regret it though, he couldn't stop yawning. 

"Whos teaching potions this year, mate do you know?" Max asked Tom.

"Ernm not sure, I think professor Murthgoe, but I've honestly got not clue."

They rounded the corner to see the Slytherin first years standing around the door to the class room, Jay immediately spotted them and went to greet them, pulling Siva and a girl along with them.

"Seev, these were the guys I was talking about, this is Tom, Max and Nathan." 

Siva nodded and introduced the girl, "This is my girlfriend, Nareesha."

Max suddenly started looking around.

"Who are you looking for?" Jay asked.

"There was this one girl, from last night, my type, Jessica." Max replied still looking around.

"Oh you're into Jess? Shes over there," Jay says pointing, "Good luck with her though, she doesnt seem very interested in guys, maybe she's les." 

Max didnt seem to hear what Jay said, he had already gone up to introduce himself.

Tom watched with amusement while Nathan talked to Jay.

"So that girl from last night, the one in Ravenclaw you were into, Caroline or something, have you talked to her yet?" 

"Nah, I've got a class with her next, so we'll see how it goes."                                                                         

"Ahem, attention class, my name is Professor Murthgoe and I am the potions Master, now since this is your first class, we won't be making any potions today," An old lady with long greasy hair was at the front introducing herself, "I want everyone to find a partner and sit down, choose well because these are your partners for the rest of the year."

She didn't seem very nice Nathan though, he hoped that the rest of the teachers weren't like this.

Jay and Nathan partnered up, so did Tom and Max, Siva sat beside his girlfriend,

Nathan could hear Tom asking Max how it went, and it seemed like it was a success. 

"I got her to meet me outside the great hall after dinner," Max tells Tom.

"Maybe you'll get lucky tonight hmm?" Jay asks laughing.

Max grins, "You might too, I heard what you said about Caroline, good luck next period."

"Luck? Who needs luck when you've got a body and face like this." Jay then lifts his shirt to show the boys a hard 6-pack.

"Looking a bit pale there eh?" Tom says, causing the four of them to start laughing.

The rest of the class was spent in a similar way.


Ok so this part is from Max's point of view, its basically the scene in potions again, but his point of view. So it might be slightly repetitive. :)


The minute Jay had pointed to Jessica, I'd already started heading towards her. 

She looked so adorable but sexy at the same time, leaning against the table, every once in a while she'd smile and her dimples would show. 

"Hey there," I said as I hopped onto the table beside her, "name's Max."

The girl she was talking giggled and walked away giving us some privacy.

She smiled at me, her dimples showing again and said "I'm Jessica, my friends call me Jess."

"Hmm, since we're about to become real close, I'll start calling you Jess eh?" I sounded to stupid, I wanted to slap myself, who even says that?

"Confident, arn't you?" She replied with a laugh. "You can call me Jess though, looks like class is about to start, so how about I meet you outside the great hall after dinner tonight? We can talk more then."

"Great, don't be late, and don't be expecting to much sleep tonight either." I winked at her and walked back to the other guys, I could hear her laughter behind me.


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I'm going to tell you a secret first though... are you ready?

*Whispers* *I've never actually seen a guy with a six-pack... do they really exist?*

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