Chapter 2: Start of a New Career....and Empire

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The next morning, I woke up and got dressed for my new job at Empire. I took a long shower to calm myself and brushed my teeth so my breath wouldn't smell bad for my interview. Lord knows that would be a humiliation for my first job interview. I wore a white long-sleeved buttoned shirt with black leathery skirt to look professional. I grabbed everything and took a quick bite of an apple to start the day. After getting a cab that took me to my destination, I got out the cab and looked at the building. There was the word 'EMPIRE" on it with Lucious on the top. I looked at my watch and seen that it was 11:35. Well, at least I'm on time. I began to fell nerves up my spine and took a step-back to think about this job. What will everyone think of me? What if I do a horrible job at it? The Lyon family hadn't seen me for years, so what will they think? Will they accept my return? Or will Jamal? All these questions were running in my head non-stop. I breathed in and out until I made the choice to go in. One in, I saw some security guards inside with people running around to get to their destination. Empire was everywhere starting from music videos to commercials. Wow, I have to admit, but Lucious did a pretty good job with building this company. I was very confused on what I was supposed to do until I saw Becky. "Becky!" I yelled. She turned and smiled at me. She paced herself to me, "Oh good, you are on time! We need to get started right away, because Lucious want me to do something for him quickly." She quickly replied. I nodded and she took us to our destination. "Are you nervous?" She asked. I turned my head and nodded once again, "Well, a little because I don't know how will people take me. And to tell you the truth, I known the Lyon family when I was a little girl, so I don't know how they will take me." I said worriedly. Becky came to a door and took me inside where we were having our meeting. It was a clear window of the outside. "Don't worry Ne'veah, I'm positive that they won't think negative of you. Besides, I know that the Lyon family is dealing with their own problems to stop and do that." She said, as she sat on a chair on the side of the long table and I sat across from her. I quirked an eyebrow, "Problems?" She nodded, "It's a long story." I knew exactly what she was talking about. The Lyon family was always in some deep shit, and it was no surprise to me because they was bad influence back in the day selling drugs and all. Anyways, we started our interview quickly, even though it was very boring, but when we finished, she told me I was accepted. Becky told me I could get a head start by organizing schedules for events and making phone calls, which I gladly agreed. She showed me where I was going to work at which was right by her in her headquarters. "Alright, feel free to walk around and get comfortable. If you need me, I'll be in Lucious's office." She walked away, leaving me there all alone. I got started on my work and surprisingly I got finished in no time. I walked around taking Becky's advice and enjoying the experience halfway through the building. Suddenly, I had got lost. Great. If only Becky gave me a map or something, I wouldn't be lost. I just kept on walking until I bumped into someone, "OH! I am sooo sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going---" The voice cut me off, "It's fine. I should be the one apologizing." I looked up and saw someone that made my eyes pop out. He widened his eyes also and stared me down. "V'eah?" He called me me by nickname, narrowing his eyes. He was so adorable, his caramel-skin with his hazel brown eyes gave me away. It was my long-lost best friend, Jamal Lyon. "Jamal?" I said, still shocked. Jamal smiled widely, making my legs almost melt to the floor. "Damn, girl! You look great." He replied, hugging me in the process. I hugged him back, smiling with excitement and happiness that we had seen each other again. I stood back, still holding his shoulders, "It's been years, Mal. Just look at you! You look amazing!" I say amazed. Jamal laughed, "Look who's talking. You have changed a lot since we last seen each other. What are you you doing here?" He then questioned. I smirked, "Well, I do work here now. I just got the job for second-in-command personal assistant." Jamal smiled, "That's great! We do need another assistant, Becky does need to relieve the stress on her."He complied. I shrugged, "So what's been going on with you Jamal? How's everyone?" Jamal sighed,
"Well, I'm fine. I have been dealing with my new album that I been getting out. But everyone is okay, at least. Lucious and Cookie are just business rivals, Hakeem is doing his own thing with Ma, and Andre is leading this company with Dad." He said frowning. Wow, I could sense in his voice that the Lyon family are dealing with drama right now, and I didn't want to be apart of that. I jumped to another subject, "Well, if you could, you can show me what you been working with, y'know? Basically, I have nothing to do since Becky is taking care of business, so..." I shyly said. Jamal lit up with a white smile, "Sure, I would love to show you what I've been working with." He grabbed my hand and led me to where he was working in. He told me to sit while he get everything in place. Jamal came up and sat next to me. "Okay, this is what I'm doing so far. It's okay if you don't like it, I'll understand." He played it for me. I listened to the song, "Ready to Go", and it was sensational. Jamal did have a voice of a angel and that's what made him perfect to make anyone fall for him. Good looks, personality, and the voice. I was speechless, "Jamal....this is beautiful and sensational. You are a clear genius for this." I stared at him. Jamal shyly smiled at me, "Thanks, Ne'veah. That means a lot." He softly said genuinely. I looked away, hoping he wouldn't see me blush. After he showed me a few other songs, we talked about our lives after our last encounter. Turns out Lucious had treated him as his own son and accepted him for who he is and Cookie got out of jail and turned things upside down when they saw her again. Man, I missed a lot. He also told me about his break-up with his boyfriend for cheating on him and I'd comforted him in the way a best friend would. We then got done with work and Jamal told me that we should celebrate my new job at Empire. "Oh come on! You told me this is your first time ever being accepted to be a personal assistant and you don't want to celebrate?" He smirked. We walked to the exit of Empire, when I turned to look at him, "Look, it's really nice of you J, but I'm fine." I sighed playfully. " You are no fun. Now that's what we need to work on, how to get you to stop acting stiff and let go." He playfully, sternly said. I rolled my eyes and was about to reply, until I heard a voice, "Jamal!" We turned and seen the Lucious Lyon. I remember completely that I didn't like him when I was little, but now that he had treated Jamal fairly and gave me the job, I didn't know what to think of him now. "Yeah, Dad?" Jamal responded. "I need you to hear this beat I have been working on and see if I can use it." Lucious replied. "Sure, but I'll have to look at it tomorrow, I've got to take care some things in the afternoon." Jamal informed. "Alright." Lucious agreed, then he turned to me, "Who's this you're with?" He questioned, narrowed his eyes like he knew me from somewhere. Jamal turned to me and looked back at his father, "Dad, it's Ne'veah. Y'know, my childhood best friend? She works here now with Becky." Lucious looked at me with interest, smirking, " Ah, Lil' Ne'Veah? It's been years as I say so myself. It's good to see you. I hear you're the one Becky has been talking about, but she never gave me your name for some reason." He implied. I nodded, "Yeah, that's me, sir. She called me right up and informed me about this career and I thought "why not?"" I say with glee. Lucious nodded, "Well, I like to like to catch up with you sometime, see what's been going on with you." "I'm sure of that, sir." Lucious grinned and turned to Jamal, "I'll see you later." He then went off to his office. I looked at Jamal, "Well, that was interesting." Jamal shook his head, "Don't let him get to you. He's always like that." I silently nodded, " Well, I should get going, a start of an new day tomorrow." I slightly joked. Jamal smiled a bit, "Want me to take you home?" He curiously asked. I smiled at him, " That's sweet, Jamal. But I'm good from here. I'll be fine." I softly reassured him. Jamal looked down smirking, "You always thought you could do bad all by yourself. I'm not surprised at it." He teased. I punched him on his arm and playfully pouted, "I do have help sometimes, just when I need it the most." I slyly remarked. We both laughed, and lowered it down. "I'll see you later Jamal. By seeing you, I mean not bump into you." He rolled his eyes. "Can't make promises on that." He commented. We hugged each other once again and went our ways. I sighed, and went back home. Well, that was a good start at my career...and Empire.

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