Chapter 7: Spending Our Time in Memories

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Jamal and I had got together and hanged out after we both got done with work. This time, we went to my house and pulled out some wine just to get us started. Jamal and I went inside and he took in the view, "Nice place you got." He complimented. I looked around also, glad to be home in the case. "Please, I bet you seen more places that tops off my home. Actually, we both seen better." I say. Jamal went to the living room, "Come on, before I even thought about being an artist, I had a crappier house than this."He joked. I took my coat off and layed it on the couch. We both sat down and layed back, all tired. " I am worn out." I said sleepily. Jamal turned to me, "Yeah, me too." I smiled weakly, "I saw your mom today."I admit. Jamal looked in my eyes, "Really? What happened?" I didn't want to tell him what I told Cookie, so I gave him half of the story, "We talked, just catching up on things. I admit that, she and Hakeem are doing great at Dynasty." He chuckles, "They really are becoming more successful." "Right. Wanna do something?" I asked. "Like what?" "I don't know, you think of something." "Why me?" "Because you come up with more ideas." "That's for music." "So? What does that have to do with anything, Mal?" "Why can't you think of something, then? I'm out of ideas, this time." He said annoyed. I thought for a minute, "Why don't we go to our place?" Jamal gave a confused look, "What place?" I smirked, "You'll see. Come on." I hit his shoulder and put my coat back on. "Where we going?" Jamal questioned in suspicion. "Just follow me and I'll show you." I gave him. We went back out the house and I took us to our destination. Jamal gave me side glances the whole time we got there. I giggled at his curiosity. "V'eah, seriously, do you know where we going?" "We're here." Jamal looked and saw a playground. He made a face to show confusion. I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the playground, "You don't remember this place? This was where we first met." Jamal squinted his eyes at the place, and gave a bewildered look, "Now I remember! This was where we had last seen each other too. And you gave me that promise ring." He remembered. I smiled, "Do you still have it?" I asked nicely. Jamal put up his hand and showed me the golden ring on one of this fingers. "Never took it off ever since you left. I only took it off when I'm in the shower." He laughed a bit, "The better question is, do you have yours?" He teased. I punched him, "Of course I have mines, you dummy. Just wanted to know if you had yours knowing you always lose things." I smirked. Jamal glared at me and stocked his tongue out. I facepalmed, "You are one big baby, Jamal." He stopped walking, "But you like it. You always stuck to me like glue, and it's like you never even left." He concludes. I stopped walking also and looked back, " Well, someone had to put you on track. Just admit it, you can't function without your best friend. You are hopeless." I mocked. Jamal gave me a wicked grin, "I think you should run." He said wickedly. I was confused at what he meant until I knew what he was going to do next, "Oh no. No, no Jamal. I'm serious, don't do that!" I laughed hard, backing up from Jamal. Jamal came towards me and we both ran around the playground like when we was young children with no care in the world. We came up to this hill where we always sat at to watch the view of the city. He grabbed me from behind and we laughed so hard from our playfulness and hanged on to each other. I turned to him with my eyes full of happiness. Then, he tickled the life out of me, "You better take that comment back, or else." He wickedly smiled. I was too busy laughing at his attempt at tickling me, "N-Never! Jamal, p-please stop!" I got out. Jamal smiled, "Say sorry." He tells me. I gave up, "O-Okay! You win! You're not h-hopeless!" I quit. He stopped tickling me, " That's what I thought." He looked around, "This place is familiar. Ain't this where we used to sit at when we got exhausted?" He asked. I sat down and watched the view, "Yeah, I could remember it like it was yesterday. We used to always just watch the sunset together." I sighed. Jamal sat down and looked at the sun, "We used to tell each other secrets about anything." He added. I snorted, "You and me were a duo." "We still are, V'eah." "Yeah." We looked at each other, somehow getting close to another. "I really missed this, Jamal. It's been so long know. I truly am sorry I left you." Jamal smiled, "Ne'veah, I told you I'm alright with it, it's in the past. Let's just think about the present." He assured. I gave him a smile, loving every moment of this day with him. Jamal and I leaned in to one another and looked down at our lips. This is it! Is this all a imagination? A dream? What will happen if we kissed? Will it affect our friendship? I nervously went in close and....the phone ring. Curses! So close! I looked and realized it was my phone ringing, "Dammit." I muttered. Jamal looked away, blushing a little. I answered my phone, "Yes?" The voice was none other than Becky, "Hey, Ne'veah. I need you to take over some things while I deal with Lucious. Are you busy?" She asked. I looked at Jamal, "Um, no, I'm not. Me and Jamal were just hanging out. We'll be back soon." I told her. "Oh, great! I'll make sure to leave a note on your desk." She informed. "Okay," I replied. "I'll take care of it." I ended the call right then and turned to Jamal, "I need to get back, do you want to come?" I asked. Jamal looked away from my eyes, "Yea, I am. I got to get working on my Pepsi commercial and stuff." He informed. We awkwardly walked all the way to Empire in silence until we got there. Jamal and I went our separate ways and got to work. When I settled in my office and took over for Becky, I got a phone call. I answered it, not looking at the phone to see who it was because I was currently focused on papers. "Yes, this is Ne'veah Summers, who's calling please?" "Ne'veah, I need you to do me a favor." It was none other than Lucious. I stop writing, giving him all ears, "Um, sure. What do you need?" I asked him. "I need you to give me some information on Cookie's new maid, Laz Delgado. I want to know more about him." He preserved. Well, at least someone other than me has a bad feeling about Cookie's boyfriend. "Are you sure, Lucious? I mean, aren't you being a little too...personal? Not that I'm offending you or anything but---" "Ne'veah, all I'm asking you to do is look up information. I'm asking you because I know you are precious to Cookie and you are closer to her than the boys. I trusting you to do this for my favor." Lucious persuaded. I paused for a moment to think it through. Lucious continued on, "If not for me, then do it for Cookie. I know you don't trust her boyfriend, am I right?" He asked. I closed my eyes and sighed, "No, I didn't trust him, but maybe I was overreacting." I claimed. Lucious sighed, "Well, it might not hurt to know a little about him, right?" "Well, no..." "Well, look him up for me. You and I care for Cookie, and we want best for her." He told me. "Alright! Alright, Lucious. I'll...look into it." "Thank you. Now get started on it and send me the information when you done." "Okay." I hanged up the phone. I rolled my eyes in exhaustion. Boy, I'm tired. I went to look up information about Laz Delgado and dug up some pretty good information and what I saw next, terrified me. I quickly called up Lucious and sent the email to him. He told me that I had to cancel everything I was doing and we were going to pay a visit over Dynasty. "Lucious, I know you are being protective of Cookie, but let her handle it. We shouldn't be in her personal life." I tried to convince him. "V'eah, I would watch how you put your words. Cookie is everything to us, and if you won't come, then it's on you. Are you with me or not?" Lucious said, angrily frustrated. I flinched at his words, at loss for words. I really didn't want to be on his bad side when I just got this job weeks ago, he could fire me if he wanted to. "Fine. When do you want to meet?" I mumbled. "Now. Don't worry, I got a few bodyguards that are coming with us. I'm sure that will be enough to take care of Delgado." Uh oh. When Lucious said 'take care', it meant business with getting rid of someone. That was partly the reason I was glad that I didn't stay with the Lyons, because they always were into trouble. I try to stay away and not get in between, or else someone would want my head. "Okay, I'll meet you at the the Dynasty." "Alright." "Bye." We got off the phone and I layed back on my seat. What did I just do with my life?

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