Chapter 4: Having Our Moments in Duet

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The next morning, I opened my eyes from my beauty sleep from last night and was trying to stretch my arms until I felt muscular arms around me. I looked and and saw Jamal fast asleep next to me.

Then, everything came back to me and realized that we had both fell asleep on the couch a few hours ago.

God, he looks so handsome when he sleeps. Well, one of my dreams had come true. I wish I could wake up to this every morning.

I smiled at him, knowing that I was so proud of him of being what he was now. I try to move his arms around me so I could leave, but never did work when he had tightened his grip on me.

He mumbled something that I couldn't make out and went back to sleep. Believe me, my face had turned completely red and sighed to myself. I tried again, and this time he moved and opened his hazel eyes.

He looked down at me and smirked, "Hi." I smiled back,

"Hi. Um...could you let me up? You're squeezing the life out of me." I complained jokingly.

Jamal sympathetically let go of me, "Sorry."

I sat up and stretched my arms out. I checked the time and it was 9:45. "I need to get dressed back home and get ready for work. You coming to Empire?" I asked.

Jamal got up and went to the kitchen, "Yeah, I'll be there. I need to get a few things done." He lowly replied, getting a glass of orange juice.

I walked to him, sitting across the island of the kitchen,

"Look at you, all successful with your music and with your performance in the next few days, you are getting prepared." I teased.

Jamal rolled his eyes and gave me smirk, "Well, I'm getting there, don't get me wrong. I hope this performance goes the way I want it." Jamal grumbled out,

"I'm trying to get back in the studio and get out of my gay appearance. I want to come out as the real me that I want to show the world. Is that a problem?" Jamal said.

I look at him and gave a genuine smile to prove to him that I agreed with him.

"Jamal...there is nothing wrong with doing that. I know you want to show the true side that you wanted everyone to see and I think that is incredible. You are my best friend and I knew from the start that one day, you'll come out on top. Your fans should know that. No matter what they say, you do you, okay?. You're Jamal Lyon, follow what you think is right from your heart." I softly reassured.

Jamal looked bewildered at me for a moment, almost shocked to hear me say that. He walked around the table and came to me. He took my hand, and squeezed it in appreciation.

"Thank you, Ne'veah. I really appreciate you being here. You're amazing." He says with a genuine smile.

I shyly looked away sheepishly,

"Just being there for my best friend."

We were still holding each other hand as we both let it go, both standing there blushing awkwardly. "So, um..."I said, nervously.

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