Chapter 3: Meeting the Other Lyons

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Did I ever mentioned that now that I'm in Empire, that it was going to be a little difficult? Well, now you know. Lucious came to me this morning and gave me more files to organize through the day. As much as I didn't want to, I only did it because for one, this job was giving me extra money to cover with, and two, I loved the Empire because it was refreshly wonderful to work with the ones that are called friends and family. I was at the desk until I saw a person pass by my desk that I didn't see for a while here. "Andre?"

Andre looked back, "Ne'veah? What are you doing here?" He questioned, confused.

I gave him a smile, "I got a job here, so I'm your new worker here." I winked.

Andre smirked and leaned on my desk,

"It's been awhile. I never knew what happened to you after you moved." Andre pointed out,

"Jamal was really upset that you left that he didn't spoke a word a few days."

I looked down,

"Yeah, I knew he was upset the most when I left, but it wasn't my choice to stay. My parents thought I needed to be in a more....educational environment." I told him professionally.

Andre nodded,

"I understand. Well, it was good seeing you for the first time." He smiled. I reflected his smile,

"You too, Dre."

He left me, leaving me to work again. After the hardworking paperwork, I was on my way to see Jamal. For the last couple of days, I've been hanging out with Jamal and Becky when I had nothing to do at work. I have to admit, my silly childhood crush was slowly coming back when I'm with Jamal. He was always more understanding and had a different vibe, a good vibe perhaps, that people would love.

Me and Jamal were just a remarkable duo that no one would ever tear apart, and I loved that completely. Suddenly, I had bumped into someone again. I really need to pay attention to where I'm going if I keep daydreaming about my childhood best friend, or else I'll be the top klutz to Empire.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean---"

"Yeah, you should watch where you going. Better not happen again."

Well, someone was rude and woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I looked up and saw this boy who had an stiff haircut that looked like the girls would swoon over him with loveliness. I stared at him, because he looked familiar. "Got a problem?" He quirked an eyebrow.

I snapped out of my trance, "Oh, umm...sorry. It's just that you look familar to me, I guess." I mumbled. The boy smirked,

"Well, I should be familiar because I usually known by the name Hakeem." He said.

Wait, did he just say Hakeem? The Hakeem Lyon? Wow, he looked different from last time I saw him.

"Wait, you mean Hakeem Lyon?" I dumbly asked him.

He gave me an annoyed look,

"No, I just go by the name Hakeem. Lyon isn't my last name anymore." He grimly replied. I was very curious why he didn't like his last name, but I didn't questioned him any further.

"Oh. Well, I'm Ne'veah Summers. I used to know you and your relatives when I was little. You might not remember me since you were too young." I concluded.

Hakeem widened, "Wait...You were my brother's childhood best friend, right? " I nodded.

Hakeem nodded with a smirk,

"Yeah, I remember. Jamal told me about you before. He was crazy about you." He smiled a little. I blushed,

"Yeah, we were two peas in a pod, I guess. What are you doing here?"

Hakeem gave me a solemn look, "I came because Lucious wanted to see me. He lucky that I came to see his ass." He remarked grimly.

I gave him a confused look. Something is definitely going on with him and Lucious that made him feel angry. I'll have to ask Jamal that later. "By the way, why you here, Ne'veah?" He said out of nowhere.

"I work here now. Becky gave me the job, so I'm an official employee." I told him.

Hakeem nodded,

"Well, I'll give you the heads up. Be careful around here, there's a lot going on at Empire that you don't want to be apart of." He warned. I slowly nodded my head to confirm,

"Okay, I'll keep watch then." Hakeem smiled at me and gave me a hug, "You're still like family to us, V'eah. Don't hesitate to be around us. I'm sure Mom would like to see you." He smirked.

I loved Cookie so much. She thought of me being a daughter she never had. She loved when I'm came over to be with Jamal or to see her. I felt bad when she had spent 17 years in prison, but she told me to be strong for me and Jamal, and I kept that promise. That's why I gave Jamal that promise ring.

"I hope your mother would be surprised to see me, or else I'm dead for not being there for years." I worried. Hakeem laughed,

"She won't bite. Just don't get on her bad side."

I smirked.

"Alright." He stood back,

"Now, I have to go see my Dad. See ya later." I waved at him, as he went off. I put an hand on my hip. I was getting more and more curious about what the Lyon family was doing behind closed doors.

Well, so much for working here dealing with drama, I guess. As the whole day went by, I finally found Jamal and went over his house. We played on the couch and watched a movie with popcorn. "Jamal?"


"What's going on with Hakeem and your father?" Jamal sighed,

"Him and Dad aren't at good terms right now. I guess that he's just wants to have his own legacy."

"And Cookie?"

"She's with Hakeem. They got this Lyon Dynasty going on that Dad's trying to beat."

"Are they okay?"

"Yeah, they're cool. But I try not to be up in their crap, I have my own problems." I looked at him sympathetically. "How's that working for you honestly?" I asked softly. He grinned at me,

"Girl, how many times have I've got to tell you? I'm good."

"Okay, okay. I was just worrying about my best friend, that's all." I rolled my eyes playfully.

Jamal turned to me, giving me a solemn face,

"Hey, how come you moved without telling me?"

I lowered my smile,

"I guess I didn't want to tell you because I knew you would be hurt, Mal. I thought you be mad at me. Besides, I really couldn't bring myself to say it to your face." I said with pure guilt.

Jamal snorted,

"V'eah, you know I wouldn't be mad at you for the world over that. I have to admit that I was little hurt that you left, but I've got over that fact." Jamal softly whispered.

I looked at him with sincere eyes,

"You mean it?"

"Yea, I do. I'm not mad at you."

I leaned on his shoulder,

"Positive?" I asked, going to sleep. The last I've heard was,

"With all my heart." And we drifted off to sleep.

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