Chapter 10: Coming Back Home

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I finally came back home to New York after realizing that I was needed at Empire. I got home and unpacked my things and quickly put on work clothes to go to Empire.

I ran out the door, carrying everything that was needed. I got there after a few minutes and seen that everybody was moving around, preparing for APA nominations. I walked through the busy people and went to find Becky. Luckily, she was with Lucious, talking to him.

"Becky! Lucious!" I called. They looked at me and gave surprised looks.

"Ne'veah?" Becky asked, "I thought you were on vacation?"

I came up to them, breathing hard.

"Yeah, but I had a change of plans. I needed to come back, anyways." I confirmed.

Lucious smirked,

"Well, you're just in time. What made you come back?" He asked.

I shrugged,

"I felt that you guys needed my support for the ASA's, if you don't mind. I realized I was being selfish with myself and didn't bother to care about what others think. I'm sorry I left too soon, Lucious." I announced.

Lucious came up to me and patted my shoulder,

"No problem. I'm getting ready to announce my Swiftstream announcement in a few, so I need to get going. Nice to have you back, V'eah." He coyly said. He went off, leaving me and Becky alone.

I turned to her,

"Okay, what do you want me to do?" I questioned, silently pumped up all of a sudden.

Becky looked at her to-do list,

"I need you to help me with organizing this meeting and make a few calls for me. I have to talk to one of the supervisors right quick." She informed.

I nodded, and took the to-do list to see what I'm working with.

"I'll see what I can do, Becky." I told her. Becky nodded and went off to take care of a few errors with the workers. I sent to my office and sat the to-do list down. The first thing I wanted to do was call Cookie.

I called Cookie right away, until she picked up.


"V'eah? What you want, child?" She asked sincerely.

I sighed,

"Look, I wanted to let you know that I came back and thought about what you said, and I did some thinking---"

"Oh now you want to damn listen, well that's fantastic! Why come back now? For forgiveness?" She coldly stated with sarcasm.

I knew she was upset that I hung up the phone on her when she was about to say something, so I felt it in her voice.

"Look Cookie, I'm very sorry I did that, I was just not in my right mind and let my feelings get the best of me. I want to know if you had anything to do today so I can meet up with you." I explained.

Cookie answered,

"Uh right now, I'm here at a party where Tiana is going to announce Hakeem's category on 'Best Rapper'. You can meet me here, Jamal said he'll be here soon. He's gonna come a little late." I felt quivers going up my spine when she said Jamal was going to be there.

I haven't talked to him yet or bumped into him while at Empire, so he must be very busy.

"Um, fine, okay. I'll come once I'm finished, Cookie."

I got off the phone once we said our goodbyes. Halfway through the day, I packed up and got ready to leave to meet with Cookie. Once there, I seen many people waiting for the next performance. I searched through the crowd looking for the certain female Lyon. I was about to call when until I seen Jamal with Cookie talking. I was real nervous to talk to him while Cookie was right there. I didn't want her to get in between our little conversation of our fight. I hesitated to walk over until Cookie saw me in the crowd.

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