chapter 6 - Rislin

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*** Author's note   Wow I wish more people would read this and vote :( Well BIG thanks to people who voted and fanned...I do love you guys cuz it totally makes my day when I get a nice comment! I know this is deffinitely NOT when I said I would update, but my weeks been REALLY busy!! I had to go and have dinner with my bother's fiancee's parents (it was fun, if anyone cares. XD) and then i've been working sooooo ya sorry :(


As soon as the door opened Peter saw it was a very angry looking weasel. "Seriously?! Who in their right mind knocks on a door at this time of nigh- Oh!" He finally looks up and his eyes widen at the sight of the Kings and Queens of Old, as realisation dawns on him. "Oh no! Please follow me!" He said as he immediately turned around and started walking down a dark corridor, leaving the Pevencies and Kate with no other choice but to follow.

"What no apology for yelling at us?" Lucy joked as they were walking. Obviously the weasel didn't know she was joking as she saw him glance at her with a terrified expression on his face, which just made Lucy start giggling quietly.

Susan wasn't paying attention to her sister, she was too busy looking at her surroundings. She couldn't help but notice the fact that the whole corridor was barely lit by a few candles on the wall, and it had no decorations what so ever. It all just seemed so ominous and slightly frightening. 'What kind of person would live in a place like this?' she thought to herself.

" My name is Rislin in case you cared. And i'm taking you to see ourking"  Rislin explained as he lead them through a very large  oak door into a room with stone walls and floor. This room, at least, had carpeting and a painting, but it was clear that in this sitting room, the main focus was the giant fireplace with a great roaring fire.

"Wait here while I inform the King that you have arrived." Rislin ordered while heading out a different door than the one they entered. The Pevencies and Kate immediately gathered around the blazing fire, trying to thaw out their frozen bodies. They started talking quietly about what had happened, 'why had Rislin emphasized the word our when he was talking about the King?'


The King was in his study, as he was everyday when he could get away from his 'Royal Duties'. He didn't mind being King, but he had to have a break, or the sadness and depression would overtake him. Suddenly he heard a quiet knock on the door. "What?! Didn't I say for no one to disturb me while i'm in my study!" The King yelled angrily towards the door. "Sire? It's rather important, there are very important people waiting in the sitting room." he heard Rislin, one of his main servants, answer him nervously. "Well tell them that they'll have to wait until a more decent hour, show them to a guest room." the King sighed. "I'm sorry sir, but in all due respect I think you need to meet with them." Rislin said, trying to convince him. Rislin waited outside the door but just as he was turning to leave, he heard the door open, and out stepped his King. The King left his study under the impression that he wold be meeting with other foreign dignitaries, to discuss the same old things. Oh how wrong he was.


The King continued his long walk down the stone corridor leading to the sitting room, he looked around at it's bare walls and remembered that he had never decorated it because he wanted it to look as cold and uninviting as he felt inside. He was alone, he knew his subjects wanted an heir to his kingdom, but he had never found anyone he could love. 'Recently anyway' he thought bitterly to himself. Finally coming to the large oak door of the sitting room, he paused. He took a large calming breath, not to calm any nerves, but to calm the sadness and depression he could feel creeping back. Slowly he pushed open the door and came face to face with one of his 'visitors'.

He couldn't move, he was too shocked to even breath. "Caspian!" his brain barely registering Lucy yelling out in delight. No, he was too busy memorising the way she looked at this moment because he knew that any minute he'd wake up to find himself back in his chambers lying in his own bed. At that moment she turned to meet his gaze, her eyes filled with shock which was quickly replaced by love. He assumed that his face showed the same expression as he saw her smile, the most breathtakingly beautiful smile that he had ever seen. At this moment he didn't care that he was dreaming, he wanted to make the most of it, so he rushed forward wrapping her in his arms and swung her around while she just laughed. The minute that he set her back down he crashed his lips to hers, and kissed her with all the passion and longing that he felt.

Caspian pulled back to look at her, his love, "I've missed you Susan."


"I've missed you Susan" Caspian said as he looked at her, his arms still wrapped tightly around her waist. "I've missed you too" Susan replied as she leaned in to give Caspian a quick peck on his lips. Susan glanced around and noticed that her siblings and Kate had left the room, 'to give us privacy' she realised. Caspian took her hand and led her over to one of the couches, and pulled her down to sit beside him. "How? How did you get back to Narnia? I thought that you were gone forever."

"Well we-" Susan began. "The Wardrobe in the Land of Spare Oom!" they heard Lucy yell from the other side of the door. Susan and Caspian started laughing as they heard Edmund say "Lucy, you just blew our cover!" Caspian leaped up and threw open the door to reveal Peter, Edmund, and Lucy all leaning into the door obviously trying to hear what they had been saying. Kate was standing a few feet behind them with a look of guilt on her face. "Could we have some privacy please?" Caspian asked as he closed the door again. With that said the other Pevencies and Kate turned and followed Rislin down the hall to the guest rooms.

Caspian walked back over and sat down on the couch and turned to face the love of his life. "Susan what's wrong, why are you crying?" Caspian asked, voice tinged with worry. Susan laughed lightly and reached her hand up to stroke Caspian's cheek, "Nothing is wrong, i'm crying because i'm so happy, everything is finally perfect!" Caspian leaned into her touch and smiled, she was almost right. 'Things were almost perfect' he thought.


*** Author's note    So ya I updated my story   XD   So i know it's still short but i'm having major writers block   (i bet you can relate XD )  So please tell me what you think, was it good, bad, awful?  comment,vote,fan?

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