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Linda's POV

"Johnny's birthday today innit!" Linda says to her husband

Mick replies. "Our once small boy is turning 18... Which means we are growing old...'

"Oi Shut up...  We still have Lil Ollie to look after.... Anyway we have to get straight to party plans..."

Then Mick all of a sudden gets teary which is very rare..

"Mick... Whats up... You don't look happy that it's our son's birthday....' Says a concerned Linda

"I am.. I am L... It's just the fact that John's twin is somewhere celebrating her birthday... We should've fought harder for custody..."

"We were 19 when we had them.. We had Lee and Nancy to deal with and then Johnny and Diana came.. It would mean the world to have Diana back but she is probably living a better life.. I mean we couldn't pay for her appointment fees back then... I miss my baby girl too but we gotta think about John.."

"Alright L.. Could you pass me the banner please. I gotta hang it up."

Meanwhile Gracia is approaching Walford...

Gracia steps out Taxi and pays the fayre. Then she is about to walk into the Queen Vic door when a young male pulls her and forces her into the alleyway. She lets out a little scream but the male covers her mouth. When the male takes of his hoodie a relieved face shows up on Gracia's face as its her adoptive brother Theodore. (Theodore was also adopted around the time when Grace was born.)

Theodore lets go of Gracia's mouth and Gracia says. " WHAT THE HELL YOU DOING HERE?!"

"Oi calm down Grace... I should be asking you the same question.. When you told Mum you where going to a Penpal's house I knew you were lying cause you would text them not write to them, anyway Happy Birthday..."

"Thanks.. and I'm... trying to find my real parents...." says a scared Grace

"Ummm Right.... Mum's gonna flip crazy... Grace.."

"What about Dad.."

"Don't even talk about him Grace..." Theodore looks worried when saying this.

"Anyway I guess you can find your real parents as I know my real ones." Says Theodore

The Siblings enter the Queen Vic....


*Thank You Guys I will be updating another Chapter soon so be prepared... Also could I have some ideas for what could happen next in the comments... I would appreciate it.. xxx*

Many Thanks Gabi xxxx

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