The Truth.

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Linda Carter's POV

Johnny! Lee! Nancy! Come I need to tell you something...

The trio enter the kitchen and take their seats.

"You... You had a little sister."

Lee interrupts what his mother had to say.
"Yeah I know Nancy's my little sister."

Stop playing about Lee... Johnny has a twin sister.

"What are you kidding, you must be joking you have four kids, mum not five." Says a very confused Nancy. "Where is she now?"

"Go into the living room and look outside the curtains. You should see a girl with long dark brown hair." Says Mick. "Your sister is out there!"

Lee and Nancy run into the living room. But Johnny sits in the kitchen, motionless. All he's doing is staring at the family picture. For Years and Years, Johnny wanted someone to play with. Someone who would understand him. That person is sitting on a bench outside.

"Sausage, are you okay?" "I know it's a shock but I wanted to tell you."

"WELL WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME EARLIER.. I ALWAYS WANTED A TWIN BUT YOU JUST KEPT YOUR MOUTH SHUT!" Johnny shouts so loud that Ollie starts crying. Johnny flips the table over and storms into his room and locks the door.

He sits on his bed and sobs...

I'm so sorry for not posting a chapter in over 6 mths. I'm back now and I promise to post more. Please give me more suggestions.
Love from, Gabi. (GabiFanfics)

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