Building a relationship. ..

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Gracia and Theo are sitting down when a young woman around Theo's age comes into the pub..

"Ummm do you mind I sit 'ere?" Says the young lady.

"No you can sit here." Theo says awkardly

"Oh thanks."

There's awkward silence until Theo says..

"Soooo... What's your name?"

"My name's Lola Pearce what about you..."

"Mine is Theodore.... Umm would you like me to buy you a drink...?"

Grace is doing her 'What the hell you doing' face But Theo bravely ignores her.

"Umm yeah I'll have red wine please.." says an impressed Lola

"Righty.. I'll be back in a sec!"

Theo leaves his seat to buy drinks while Lola and Grace are left in a very awkward position.


"If you're gonna ask who I am, I'm Theo's sister, Grace"

"Oh right, I didn't mean to cause any trouble."

"You haven't.... Lola.."

Theo arrives with a beer and two glasses of red, one for Grace one for Lola..

Then Mick and Linda come downstairs.

"Umm.. Theo you wouldn't mind if we borrowed Grace for a minute.."

"Yeah sure Linda.." says Theo

Grace pulls her 'What are you doing' face and slowly rises up to get out of her chair.. She then follows Mick and Linda into the living room.

"Why am I here? What 'ave I done wrong cause if I did I'm sorry." Grace looks really worried when saying this.

"No, please don't worry. Linda and I 'ave something to say.... You could be our daughter.." Mick says

"What, no, no it can't be.." Says a denying Grace

"Yes it can be.."

"If you are then what about Theo he will flip let alone my mum.."

"You're mum?"

"Well my adoptive mum Hanna.. She adopted me and Theo.."

"Is her name Hanna Fernández?"

"Well yeah.. How did you know that?"

"We know that because you are our daughter."

Gracia stops and thinks for a minute while Mickk and Linda have worried faces.

"Umm I have to go.."

Gracia runs downstairs and tries to leave the pub but Theo grabs her arms and tells her,

"Where the hell are you going sis?"

"You know Abi Branning, our holiday pal she lives here so I'm gonna visit her.."

"Oh right then, have fun"

Gracia leaves and goes to The Branning household where a familiar face appears..


"Yup you guessed it! Can I come in?

"Of course!" Says a joyful Abi

They run upstairs into Abi's room to play on the laptop.

"So what brings you here Gracie"

"Well I thought I'd visit you and maybe stay over?"

"Well you're welcome here. Is your bro here in Walford too?"


"Well he's staying here too!"

"Really, Thanks Abi"

Meanwhile 20 minutes have past by and Theo is getting to know Lola.

"Oh my God you're from America! How's it like there Theo?"

"It's well nice there but I can't remember much as I moved to spain at 5 years old.

"Oh well."

"You know what why don't I treat you to lunch at what ever that restaurant's called."


"Yeah. It'll be fun!"

"Umm no Theo...."

"Why not?"

"My ex, Peter Beale dad owns the restaurant. If I go there it will be a bit awkward.."

"Oh Sorry about that.."

"Don't be sorry, things happen like this, he didn't love me, he loved Lauren Branning..."

"Oh right.."

"You, Theo are the only one who I think cares.."

"I do care.. I mean I broke up with my girlfriend, Natalie, two weeks ago because she loved my best mate. Now she's in a great relationship with him.. I think that we are good together... and if it doesn't work out then we can be best mates.."

"Did you just ask me out?"

"Yes I did.."

"Well I accept your request..."

They both laugh as they get to know each other more...

Thank you guys for the support.
Could I have suggestions for what might happen next?
Sorry for the late update, I have school to deal with so I'll try to post asap.

Thanks Gabi xx

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