Mother and Daughter.

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It has been a day since Theodore and Grace had arrived in Walford. They are staying at Abi's house for 6 weeks.

Grace wakes up and goes to the bathroom trying not to wake up her brother and Abi.

But then Theodore wakes up and goes to turn on Abi's television.

"Oi Grace... how the hell do you turn on this tv?" whispers Theo.

"I dunno but I'm going to the bathroom to do me hair.."

Grace walks into the bathroom and stares into the mirror for a while..
Loads of thoughts are running through her mind.

Am I a Carter?
Are they telling the truth?
If I am their daughter what will happen?

Grace then brushes her dark brown hair and puts her hair in a messy ponytail. After she changes her clothes into black leggings, a jumper and air forces. She then tells Theo she's going out and she then heads for the Queen Vic.

As she opens the door she sees Linda Carter. She puts on a faint smile and goes to sit down.

Linda goes to Grace's seat to talk to her.

"You Alright.... You look settled here.."

Grace doesn't answer.

"Oh Come on, If this is about yesterday then thats that."

"Linda..... I can't deal with this.. I did come here at first to find my real parents but know it just feels like a holiday.... I want Hanna back.... Why did you abandon me when I was born...?

"Sweetheart..... I didn't abandon you... I never would.... You were really sick when you were born... Your brother Johnny was getting better but you weren't..... The doctors thought me and Mick couldn't cope.... We tried to get custody for you but you know... things happen...."

"Oh well I-"

Grace's phone rings and answers it.

Hi Dad!
Hey Honey, hows London?
It's amazing, soo how you coping without me?
Grace you silly sausage, Of course I'm coping, It's so quiet and peaceful an-"
Alright, Alright I get it also tell mum I miss her ok.
Ok, see you gorgeous.

"Who was that Grace?"
"Umm my dad, Matías .."
"Anyway just understand that I love you no matter what.. At least I know you're safe..." says a tearful Linda." "My little Angel all grown up.."
"Ummm...Thanks...... " says Grace.

Gracia leaves the pub and tears start rolling down her cheeks. She looks clearly distressed. She goes to sit down on a bench.

All this infomation is overwhelming. Grace doesn't know if she can handle it....

Thanks for the support guys xx.
Gabi x

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