"Is that Diana?"

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Theodore and Gracia walk into the pub and there's birthday banners all over the pub.

"Looks like someone's celebrating their birthday as well sis..."

"Yup.... So... What do we do.. Theo?"

"Umm Sit down..."

Then Gracia's phone rings and it's the siblings mum Hanna

Gracia puts it on Speakerphone .


.......Mum calm down thanks for the message..

Anyway do you know where Theo is...

Umm... He's here with me Mum...

What is it with you kids telling me nothing... Right enough of me nagging have an amazing 18th Birthday Sweetheart... Your Father will call you later...

Bye Mummy love you..


"Theo... Mum knows you're here but she's fine with it!"

"Oh good."

Linda's POV

"Oi you see that girl Mick she looks so much like you.."

"You don't think that she could be.. Diana. "

"I'm not saying that she is but... you know what there's no point it's not her.."

"We could ask her L.

"Alright then Mick.."

The couple walk towards the siblings who are browsing on there phones..

"Would you to young uns like a drink?" says Mick

"Umm.. Do you want one Theo?"

"Yeah.. If you want one..."

"Two Drinks... umm.. Sir.."

"Naaa Just call me Mick.."

"Oh.. Ok.. Haha..."

"What's your name young lady, mine is Linda"

"Mine is Gracia but I like being called Grace.."

"What about you young man.."

"Theodore but call me Theo or Teddy."

"Righty... You guys sound Spanish.."

"Well I'm from Watford but was adopted when I was born cause I had some birth problems and Theo is from Washington but was adopted also by the same person. " Says Grace

"Sorry if im being nosy but which hospital where you born in?" Linda says

"Oh I was born in Watford General Hospital."

"Can I ask when you when?..."

"Well I'm 18 today and I would have had a twin brother but his parents won custody over him.."

Then Mick butts in..

"Right Guys ere are your drinks... Enjoy"
"Lemme get my purse to pay."
"Naaa this is on the house" says a jolly, happy Mick.
"Oh thanks...."

Mick and Linda walk away to carry on with there birthday plans.

"Why did she wanna know that information?"
"I dunno Grace, but who cares let's drink..!"

"MICK! That's Diana with no doubt. She looks like you, born on the same day as John she even said she has a blimming mystery twin, she was born in Watford and was adopted...!"

"Ok calm down we'll go upstairs and sort it ok I'll get Tracey to sort the bar..."

Hi guys hope you liked this chapter.
Should Grace and Jay hook up?
Or should Lola and Theo hook up?
Thanks for the support as always.
Gabi xx

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