Chapter 6

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So once again it midnight and Im getting the urge to write so here you go! hope you enjoy it!


As I got off the bus and looked back so I could flip off the guys on the bus cause they decided to be all douche baggy to me, but unlike normally it didn't bother me as much cause I was floating on a cloud of sunshine, rainbows, glitter, and all those other girly things. I was pulled down from my cloud when my sister spoke up from beside me asking if I recognized the truck in the driveway. I knew it wasn't my dad's cause he wasn't supposed to be home for another 3 hours. I tried to get a good look at it before we had to walk up to our house but the stupid 10 foot tall hedge was in the way!

Since I couldn't get a good look at the actual truck I looked under the hedge to see if I could tell what kinda truck it was but sadly all I could tell was that it was a big truck, possibly a diesel?

I told my sister to wait on the other side of the hedge while I checked things out, thankfully for once she listened. As I round the hedge to go to the house I saw the entire truck and when I did it took me 0.2 seconds to ball my hands into fists.

I saw Cody's gray 2012 Dodge 1500 Ram, with him and Devin, his older cousin, in it. Neither of them had seen me yet and Cody look sad and depressed, I mentally did a happy dance. He turned his face and there was a nice dark and nasty bruise forming from I had slapped him today, this time I did a mental happy dance times like 1000000! I know I would probably feel like a bitch later for thinking all this but I couldn't help it, the boy brought out my inner bitch. 

I hollered at my sister to come and get in the house as she walked past me to get the house keys I told her who it was and she told me to holler at her I needed anything. I asked oh so very nicely to take my book bag inside so that I could get this over with and surprisingly she did it!

At this point Cody was getting out of the passenger door on the truck and was telling his cousin something so I waited on the other side of the driveway. When Cody slammed the truck door closed Devin started up the truck and started backing up. I looked at the truck, then I look at Cody, looked at the truck, then I looked one last time at Cody.

"Where the hell is Devin going!?" I asked outraged

"He's gonna take a drive so we can talk."

"What is there to talk about?"

"Everything, come on follow me."

He started walking down the street I stared at him contemplating whether or not I should run inside and lock him out or not. But hey, I need some entertainment to past the time before I needed to start getting ready.

We walked in silence for a couple of minutes and then I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I took it out and saw that I had multiple text messages so I responded to all of them.

Kendra: 'French Whoreeeeeeeeeeee I know something you don't know! ;D'

'I know you do you stupid skank ;) love you!'

Jared: 'You better be a good girl tonight with David ;D lol jk!'

'When am I not a good girl?? :D'

Mom: 'When does color guard practices start?'

'We have pre-camp for a week, 2 weeks after school lets out.'

I saved my favorite one for last cause out of the corner of my eye I could see Cody looking over my shoulder reading my texts.

David: 'Hey beautiful you excited for tonight? I think your really gonna be surprised with my surprise. lol'

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