Chapter 10

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"Wow, are you finally waking up sleepy head?" He was walking in the room with a tray of waffles, bacon, eggs, orange juice, and coffee. It was A LOT of food, it looked like it could of feed a whole army!

"Please don't tell me that all that's for me?"

"Hell no! Ha-ha of course I'm gonna share some of my wonderful cooking with you."

I sat up and he sat across from me on the blue comforter, unfolding the trays legs.

"Orange juice or coffee?" I sat there mentally debating it for a second.

"I think I shall take the orange juice." We both couldn't help but laugh at the way I had said it.

"So what are you gonna do today?" I asked wonder where I was going but this was just a dream so probably no where.

"Well we've gotta move some stuff over to the new house so I figured that you could just sit here today unless you wanna leave?"

In reality I didn't wanna leave, I wanted to stay in my new perfect dream world. At least here I didn't have to deal with Cody. Ugggg, he irks me so much! I swear that boy looks for me just so he can find trouble.

"I guess I can stay here today, if that's okay with you?" I treaded lightly with my words cause I didn't wanna sound rude. "I mean hell I could even clean up around here while your gone." I said scanning the room with my eyes, it wasn't THAT dirty but it was dirty enough to be cleaned.

"Caitlin you don't have to do that, your my guest!"

"Well to bad I've gotta have something to do beside sit here all day, plus it's the least I could do since you saved me last night and opened your home up to me." I stuck my tongue out for a child like affect to my argument. We both just sat there for a minute staring at each other see which one would give in first. Like always I won.

"Fine you can stay but only if you promise me you won't leave..." He gazed into my eyes like he meant what he had just said with all the seriousness in the world.

"Yes, I promise I won't leave." And with that he planted one passionate kiss on my lips and lift me siting on the bed all by myself. As he walked away I couldn't help but notice how good his ass looked in those wranglers. Damn... what have I gotten myself in to?

When I looked away from Cole I felt my core being sucked backwards, I looked down and I saw the tile floor of the school hallway, still splattered in blood. I look up and I see Cody and David just as I had left them, Cody with a bloody face and David with a cut lip and smile on his face cause he knew he had won. I heard the principal coming down the hallway hollering for the fight to stop but it was already done and David had won. When I heard the principal my first instinct as any teenager is, was to run but considering the fight was over me I figured I had to stay and help sort things out.


After spending most of the school day in the nurses office and principals office I texted my dad after 4th period to call the Central office and tell them I had permission to go home, he asked why and I told him that I felt sick so he called and not even 10 minutes into 5th period I walked out to my car and sat for a few minutes. I looked down at my phone and saw I had 3 missed calls from David, 5 texts from Jared, 7 from Kendra, and 2 from Maddie. I just threw my phone in the passenger seat and started rubbing my temples, trying to rub this day away.

I was startled by a knock on my window and I looked up to see David, he motioned for me to come out. I practically jumped outta my car so I could embrace him in a big hug. We both sat there for a few minutes just hugging each other.

We sat in my car for a little while talking until we heard the final bell. He got out of the car and walked around the front of the car to my door and leaned down, he kissed me very passionately. Afterwards while I was still in a daze from the kiss he winked at me, told me to text him and drove off.

As I walked threw my front door a wave of exhaustion hit me. When my head hit the pillow I was out.

I woke up feel like I had slept for a million years. When I opened my eyes I noticed that it was pitch dark outside. I looked down on my phone and it was midnight. I had so many missed calls and texts I didn't even respond to any of them but David's and my dad's

David: Hey baby I tried callin and you didn't pick up so I figured you were asleep I love you, hope your having dreams as sweet as you <3

I quickly responded with a I love you back and moved on to Dad's text, 'I saw you were asleep so I left your sub in the microwave.'

As I read it my stomach growled so I ran down stairs got my sub, peed, and checked on my dad and my sister. When I got back in my room I realized that there was no use in going back to sleep for a while so I turned on my music and started drawing.

By the time that 3 o'clock came around I had a very intricate drawing of a Phoenix Bird. I finally sat up from my work and stretched my arms and fingers. I yawned, turned my light out, crawled in to bed and passed out once again only this time I wasn't prepared for what was in my dreams....


Sorry guys I know it was short and I know I haven't updated in a while but I've had a lot on my plate I promise that the story will get better I will update more cause I'll be stuck at home for school. :(

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2013 ⏰

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