Chapter 8

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I felt weak and shaky as I stood up to get out of the bed of the truck.

"Babe what's wrong? Your shaking badly."

I looked down to see not only my hand but my whole arm shaking violently. I sat on the tail gate trying to get it to stop, but I failed miserably. David came and hugged me then he took my face in his hands, "Caitlin please tell me what's wrong. Your worrying me."

It took me a minute to process what he was saying, it seemed like everything was happening in slow motion. "Uh... Yea I'm okay I guess I just had a bad dream." I smiled up at him, trying to make it seem like everything was okay then I hugged him back.

I leaned back away from the hug so I could kiss him, but once again I got that feeling that something was defiantly missing this time. Cause this time while I was kissing David the boy from my dream popped into my mind. I envisioned his big muscular arms being wrapped around me, his perfect looking lips moving in sync with mine, my hands trailing up and down his also muscular chest...

Oh god... I think I'm starting to get attracted to some stranger from my dream! But it seemed so real...

I started contemplating about this during our ride home. I stayed on my side of the truck. Just out of the blue David spoke up.

"Did I do something wrong?"


"Did I do something wrong? Cause your quiet and your never quiet."

He pulled the truck onto the side of the road.

"No, it couldn't of been more perfect! I'm just thinking..."

"Baby tell me what your thinking about so I can try and help. Or wait are you thinking about us... Did I do something wrong? Are you thinking about breaking up with me or..." He was running his hands threw his hair panicking, looking like he was about to cry so I took his face in my hands.

"David, stop worrying you did everything right, once again. No I'm not going to break up with you, I don't have any reason to I'm the happiest I've ever been with you. I love you with all my heart." I hoped that he would finally believe me. For good measures I kissed him for reassurance. He took a deep breath in and shut his eyes, opened them and then kissed me again.

He started back up the truck and headed back up the road. He looked over at me and smiled, "Get over here you crazy little girl of mine." I couldn't help but smile so I scooted over next to him.

He put his arm around me and that's how stayed the entire way home...

As I lay in my bed still on cloud nine from my absolutely perfect date with David mental pictures of my mystery guy start creeping in threw the cracks of mind. I quickly drift away in to sleep world after I sent a good night text to him.

As I opened my eyes I felt myself being carried close to someone's warm chest. I looked around to see that I was being carried up stairs towards a small and cozy looking cabin that had a nice warmly glow to it. I looked up and was met with my mystery boys strikingly blue eyes. I turned my head away from the light of the cabin and whimpered as the light made the sudden pain right behind my eyes become more intense.

"Are you finally waking up?" I could feel his chest rumble with laughter as I felt one of his hands release my legs and then I heard keys cling together as he unlocked the door. I felt a wave of the warm air from the house come and crash over my cold body as we walked in to the house. He took me over to the couch and laid me down ever so gently.

"Here let me go get you some ice for that bump." As he walked away my hand instantly flew up to my head and was met with a huge knot. As he walk back up I asked him what happened and he explained, "Well all of a sudden you fell and hit your head on a rock, I was worried, but then you started talkin' so I hope you don't mind but I brought you back to my neck of the woods."

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