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Though only a short walk back to the room, it tired Tyler out.  He just wanted his bed and this day to be over. The clock on the nightstand said 3 am. Regrettably, there was no sleeping yet. His mind raced too quickly, he was still psychologically shell shocked. Had he just fought a war?

He sat on one of the twin beds. Josh took a seat across from him on the other so they were face to face. Tyler waited for Josh to look him in the eye before he spoke. When Josh finally lifted his head to face his friend, tears were rolling down his cheeks. A wave of sadness enveloped Tyler. It felt like time stood still. He slowly knelt down and inched his way closer to Josh, who looked confused as Tyler approached him. He was waiting for Tyler to bombard him with questions or insults or something, but instead, he saw the friend he betrayed kneeling before him and embracing him in a hug. 

Josh let out a sob.

"It'll be okay, Josh, I love you man."

Josh took a few deep breathes and wiped away his tears. He wasn't sure if he felt relief or elation, but he did feel a bit embarrassed about the waterworks. "I don't get it, how are you so calm about this? And okay with it?"

Tyler leaned back and faced his friend. "I'm not okay with it, but I understand that we're all at fault here. I pushed Jenna into your arms, you just did all the lip work." Tyler sighed. "Did I enjoy the way I found out about it? No, but I also know that I love you just as much as I love her. Maybe more, I don't know. I met you guys around the same time, you've always been a part of our relationship, maybe without you, Jenna and I would have never fallen in love and gotten married. I was pumped about it because you were pumped about it. It was your idea for me to propose, remember!? Of course, she made me feel good and I cared about her, but she stopped wanting me, Josh. She stopped wanting me and I let her go. I let her go because I knew, deep down somewhere, I knew she'd go to you." He shrugged "And I thought to myself, well fuck, you know what? Josh deserves that. He deserves her, she's so much fun, you're so much fun, and me? Well, I'm just along for the ride." Tyler squinted at Josh when he didn't say anything. He tried to decipher if Josh was still even paying attention.

"That was really deep." Josh nodded and looked at his friend somberly.

"It totally was." Tyler smiled.

"We should write a song about this exact moment."

"We will."

"It will be kickass."

"Total radio song."

"What should we do about Jenna? She's probably waiting for one of us to text her."

"My phone's still in the girl's room, I threw it at you guys for a dramatic measure, remember?"

"Shit, well I can text her. What should I say?"

"Tell her everything will be ok, we're good, you're good. And get her friend's full name and contact information for me, tell her it's for a thank you card."

"You sly fox, you."

"I know."

"You know my cheek is sore as fuck,  right?"

"I did get you good."

"You know I could kick your ass though?"

"You could, but you know I had to sock ya."

"I do." Josh pulled out his phone and texted Jenna.

- hey no worries Jen, everything will be ok, all is well.

She texted right back.

- like hell all is well, you are both assholes! I wish I never met either of you!

Josh actually gasped when he read her response.

"I may have screwed things up already." He gave his phone to Tyler who read the message for himself.

"Looks like the nights not over yet."

"Not a chance."

Don't Let Me Be Gone (Twenty One Hours)Where stories live. Discover now