Afternoon morning

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Josh woke up the next early afternoon naked with Jenna's matching body attire sprawled beside him, mingled in the soft white cotton sheets. Neither of them saw the point in waiting to explore each other sexually since they had Tyler's blessing. Though Josh wondered if Tyler knew he'd be up with Jenna exploring all night.

He wondered if he should tell Tyler the truth when he asked him later since they'd be back on the Tour bus to make their flight out from Detroit to Chicago. They had a show the next night but had plans to see (some band) play tonight at (some club). He figured he probably should. There was no sense starting this new venture off with lies. But he would tread carefully, he knew how emotional Tyler was and he didn't want to say anything he wasn't ready to hear.

Josh smack Jenna's ass to wake her up from sleep.

Jenna moaned and grunted an 'asshole' under her breath. Josh caught what she said and laughed. He then lay completely on top of her, squishing her deep into the mattress.

Jenna had to forcefully roll over and push Josh off of her, and he pretended to lose his balance and dropped himself off the side of the bed.

"You're such a geek."

"You would know." He kissed her forehead.

She felt happy. He felt happy. All was well in their little world.

"I gotta shower, then jet, are you still going to meet us in Chicago?"

"I think so, but I've got to be back in LA on the 18th,  probably can't meet up until the end of next month."


Jenna waited for all the questions to start. If she told Tyler she had to leave the tour for awhile he always wanted to know what she was doing, where'd she'd be, when she'd be back. It felt kind of good not to have to answer to him anymore.

"Ok! Well kiss me now then, my stuff is up in Steph's room. I'm gonna get cleaned up too, but we have shopping plans today and my flight isn't until tomorrow." Kevin James had another show that night and Jenna had booked an extra night to catch up with her girlfriend.

Josh walked over to her and picked her still naked self up and she wrapped his legs around his waist. "I can do better than a goodbye kiss."


Tyler woke up later, that same afternoon, next to Stephanie. They were both fully clothed, but Stephanie had her arm draped over Tyler's chest and her head on his shoulder. He felt bad waking her up, she looked so peaceful sleeping next to him. But he did have a plane to catch.

He slid his body sideways and got up out of bed. Stephanie groaned softly and peaked up at him through a mess of hair. "Is it that time?"


Tyler went to the bathroom and splashed some water on his face. He rinsed his mouth out with water and ran his tongue along his teeth, cursing himself for leaving his toiletries on the tour bus.

When he came out, Stephanie was brushing her long brown hair. He reminded him of Jenna then, when they'd first met. He thought of her and Josh together somewhere and a touch of sadness made its way to his surface. He began to wonder if he had done the right thing, letting her go to him. His doubt had always been his biggest demon.

"Hey, you know you could have any girl in the world now, right?"

Tyler just softly laughed. "What kind of fun would that be?"

"Well, I had fun with you last night, even if you fell asleep in mid-sentence."

"I did not!"

"You did! But it's ok, you had plenty of interesting things to say before that."

"Oh yeah, like what?"

"You don't remember? All the advice you gave me about Kevin and my life and just being cool about everything."

"Yeah, I remember, I'm just messin' with ya. I also remember asking you about Chicago, you gonna see if you can get away?"

"I'll try, if Jenna is going then she'll probably want company. I can probably take a couple of days off for it."

"Ah yes."

"Yeah, there's no cute lead singer I'd like to get to know better either."

"Oh, no? Well, what if that lead singer did this." He walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her. He buried his face in her neck which was covered with her long hair and took a deep breath, breathing in her berry blast shampoo. He kissed her neck softly and made his way up to her ear. He felt her arms tighten around him and her body pressed up closer to his own. He tickled her with his breath and then whispered in her ear. "You know, if I didn't have morning breath this would be a lot better."

Stephanie laughed and pulled away, slapping him playfully on the arm. "You're a nerd."

"Shhhhh, that's supposed to be a secret. Can you keep it for me?"

"Of course, but you should go, didn't you say the bus was leaving at one o'clock?" She nodded to the clock.

"Guess that's my cue, thank you again." He kissed her on the cheek. "You know if someone would have told me 21 hours ago I'd be waking up to someone else besides my wife I wouldn't have believed it. Now I'm just happy that it was you."

They said goodbye and Tyler made his way back down to the tour bus where he found Josh waiting for him alone.




"Just get on the bus Josh." Tyler smacked Josh's ass as he passed him and walked up the stairs to the tour bus. "You can tell me all about your night with my wife."

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