Chapter 3

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That night,Leon laid in bed asleep, only to be woken up by his cell phone vibrating.
It was Jon, a friend of his.

[Did you hear about the Halloween party], read the text.

[No, what party ?], replied Leon.

[Rosemary' parents are out of town and sees gonna throw a huge Halloween party ! I'm guessing you didn't get invited...] Said Jon.

[They must have lost my invite in the mail.] Replied Leon sarcastically.

[Maybe I could get you in...] Said Jon.

Leon thought for a minute, Do I really want to go to this party ?

[Who's going?] Said Leon.

[I don't know] said Jon.

[Well text me when you have more info and I'll consider it.] Said Leon finally.
He silenced his phone and placed on his night stand.


That morning Jon and Leon took a drive to the Halloween store. They took Jon's car. It was a small blue Volkswagen bug. He took care of it like it was actually living. However the inside was a dump. Empty Gatorade bottles and Burger King wrappers lined the floor. The dash had a little Hentai girl figure hot glued to it. A He-Man action figure hung from the rear view mirror with a noose made out of a red boot string.

It was cozy. Leon and Jon were able to vent and talk in there.

"Don't you think it's time to clean some of this shit up ?" Asked Leon.

"I've been meaning to but I lack motivation." Said Jon.

"Why don't we do it now ?" Asked Leon.

"We're driving..." Said Jon.

"I mean when we stop..."

"What if we get hungry ? We'd just throw our trash on the floor."

Leon stuck his hand out the window and it dove like a dolphin.

"What ever..." Said Leon.

When they pulled up to the Halloween store it. They scanned it. A 50% off sign was painted the window. When they walked in there was a little bell and an skeleton began laughing and its eyes started flashing.

"What do you wanna dress up as ?" Asked Jon.

"Hmm...I don't know...I don't do good with variety...too many ideas."

They looked through rack after rack in the store.

Then Leon thought

What if I was gonna have sex at the party ?

If so with who ?

It almost gave him a boner thinking about it.
What if it was Maria ?
She she'd have to be even consider laying a finger on him.

Its a chance.

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