Chapter 19

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Leon and Jon spent several days driving across the northern part of America. It was long and arduous. They often spent their days in motels and would eat in dinner.

Somewhere in Michigan, Leon and Jon were staying in a small trashy motel. They had gone to several places. The only thing they wanted was no bugs.
They had found a place but it had no running water, the drawers were glued shut and there was some kind of brown stain on the floor in the bathroom.
It was about 9:30 at night.
"I'm gonna go get something to eat." Said Jon.

"Okay. I'll be here. Be back soon."

"Yeah...yeah" Jon headed out the door.

Then there was a knock on the door.

Jon couldn't be back yet. There was not peep hole so Leon just put the chain on and opened the door.

It was two young woman.
A brunette and a blonde.
Well not blonde, more a yellowish auburn.

"Hi...are you alone ?" Said brunette.

"Yes...can I help you ?" Asked Leon.

"We were just wondering if you and your friend could use some company."

Jack was slightly taken back.

"What are you offering ?"

The girls looked at each other.

"Um we need some money." Said the blonde.

"And what...?"

"We just need like 50 bucks for food and a room."

Leon shut the door and undid the chain.

"Come inside." He held the door open.

The girls entered the room cautiously.

They looked cold. They didn't have much. They wore shorts and one wore a tank top.

"What are you two doing out here ?"

"We've been trying to get home to New York from LA." Said the Blonde.

Leon sat on his bed and the girls sat on Jon's which was parallel to his.

"Um my friend went to get food. You could eat with us if you like." Said Leon.

The two girls looked at each other again.
"We don't want to bug you." Said the Brunette.

Leon got up from his seat and got his cell phone from his pocket.
"Its no trouble at all."

He walked outside and called Jon.

"Hey we have guests." Sa

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