Chapter 13

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Leon stood in the shower.
It was about 9:30 at night and he had class in the morning.
But rather than scrubbing, he let the water run down his back, then on his face.
He slicked his hair back and looked up at the ceiling.
The water ran down the drain, spiraling down like his sanity. Leon had never felt this way about anyone like he felt like Maria. His heart was like a harp getting its strings cut when they were apart, his stomach felt like a trench that lead into darkness.
That's another thing that distressed Leon, his heart grew so attached so quickly to this girl he just began to date.
But this feeling stemmed from years of watching over Maria, trying to ensure her safety.
Years of watching over her had cause Leon to grow attached to Maria.
He got to know her even though she didn't know he existed.

For a moment, he thought he felt Maria wrap her arms around him from behind.
But then again it was just his imagination.

Leon contemplated on whether or not he was weak hearted or not.
How could he fall in love so fast ?
He fell like a ton of bricks.

Leon got out of the shower, his hair dripping and his body still glistening.

His reflection in the mirror wasn't his own. He didn't recognize himself.
Soon Maria would be in New York and there was nothing he could do to stop her.

Leon dried off, got dressed and laid in bed, hoping that these turbulent thoughts would pass in his head.

He slowly drifted off to sleep.
But as he did he felt incomplete like he had lost something.
Perhaps it was his strength.
Or his independence.
Perhaps when Maria left, it would come back.

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