Chapter 23

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It was late. Leon wouldn't answer his phone and Jon was worried and began to look for him.

Leon found his way to St.Patricks cathedral. He burst through the door. The tourist sight was amazingly empty. The large high ceilings made him feel small.
In anger he spoke.
"Does my pain, make you happy God ? To see your creation suffer ? Why would you give him something so beautiful only to make it ugly ? Do you hate me ? I would have suffered like your son a thousand times over for Maria."
He approached the alter. Looking towards the cross. He felt eyes on him.
"I take audience with you. Strike me down and end my pain. I didn't ask to be alive ! Are you even there to listen?" Whispered Leon to the crucifix. "I may not believe in you. But I have no where else to turn for answers...I just want one more day with her."

"Young man, what are you doing here ?", A clergymen approached Leon. The old man wore dark robes with a purple sash. "Son, we we're everything okay ?"
Tears began to run down Leon's face. He sniffed and wiped them away, "Yes, sir. I'm sorry, I just needed to be alone and this place seemed like it would be quiet. I'll be going now."

Leon took his leave and as he was on his way out he messaged Maria telling her to meet him outside the cathedral.

Back outside in the cold, he waited on the steps. He watched the people walk by hoping she would approach. Snow fell on his shoulders as the anxiety ate a hole in his stomach.

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