Chapter 24

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Soon Maria and Leon stood face to face. Leon's fire had cooled when his saw Maria wraped in her scarf and in the cold snow.
People passed by.
Their lives unaffected by the raging storm that the two loves had turned into.
"I didn't want you to get hurt." Said Maria. Her voice was shaky and soft.
"So what were you going to do, just leave me wondering where you were ?"
"You're always like this" barked Maria, "You think that you're being so noble and courageous, but look at you. You're standing in the cold miles from home. You let your emotions cloud your reasoning and that's why I can't be with you."

Leon ushered back, "You can't spend your whole life in your head. You think treating every one like some puzzle or some obstacle is going to get you anywhere ?"

Maria responded by tell Leon, "You don't know what I want Leon. You and I aren't meant for each other. We're too different."

Leon was shocked. Perhaps they were too different.

"I'm sorry." Said Maria.

"Maybe you're right. This was a mistake." Said Leon, "I didn't think.

Now, a few people looked towards them. Maria and Leon began to realize what they had become.
To be too cold or too sensitive is to live not with love but with calculation or reaction.
The two were young. Like flowers they were beginning to blossom but how ironic that it was in this icy concrete jungle of dreams and industry.
Maria, slowly approached Leon.
When close enough she wrapped his arms around him.
Leon ,with hesitation, wrapped his arms around Maria.
The two shared their warmth outside the cathedral until they moved on. They got coffee to warm themselves.
They talked things over civilly.
Their new found aspect of adulthood on full display.

Leon and Jon eventually returned home. The long trek back was filled mostly with silence. The two decided to look ahead to the future for what was now and what will be is what matters and not what was and what could have been.

Maria continued to study. Her and Leon kept in contact. Eventually she broke up with Randal to focus on herself and think about who she wanted to be.

Though in the end the two felt as though they were right back where they started, they knew they had grown. They no longer hated each other, the pain of growing had actually brought the two together.

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