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Cassandra Marie Davidson Preda's funeral was on a Friday, her favorite day of the week. Daniel planned the entire thing with some help from Allison. They were the only ones who knew what she really wanted.

Each vlog went up the day after her passing and fans were extremely considerate and...heartbroken. Another video went up the next day with details about the funeral and how it was open to fans.

Like requested, Cassie was layed out in her "Half a Heart" tee, a pair of black skinny jeans, black and white Converses, and her black on black striped beanie. A Lana Del Rey vinyl album was put in the coffin.

The funeral was a huge turn out, fans poured out of the funeral home and down the streets. Some traveled across the country, some cross continent to be there.

They sent their condolences to Joey, Daniel, and Shane, but most importantly, they sent their condolences to the two on the couch.

Allison didn't move from the ball she'd curled up into on Daniel's lap. She didn't lift her head. She didn't speak to the fans. She just layed there in Tyler's lap, her stocking covered feet tucked underneath the cushion. Her little black dress was mostly bunched up and Daniel was holding Dylan, but she didn't care. All she focused on was Tyler's careful caress on her back. She knew she promised Cassie she'd stay strong, but now that she's really gone, she can only compose herself around Dylan. When it's just her and Dylan.

Mere days after the funeral, gifts started flooding in along with millions of flowers for each third of the mixed family: there were the newlywed (and out) Predas, Tyler Oakley, and Shane Dawson.

The Predas decided that it'd be easier to have Allison move in with Tyler for a while. That way, Joey and Daniel could make sure Dylan was well taken care of and Allison could get back on her feet (and start eating again, she'd lost 15 pounds since Cassie's death). Tyler was really good at understanding Allison and he slowly began to bring her back to as much of her normal self as she could be.

Yet, it wasn't until Dylan was a year old that she was stable enough to move back in.

What'd they do in the future?

Well, Tyler, Joey, Daniel, and Shane pretty much did what they did before Cassie died. And even though Joey took 8 whole months off of vlogging, he was eventually back and making money again.

Allison went to school and got a medical degree. She studied and help find cures for many different cancers, Lukemia and Bone included. Whenever Allison would see a patient with either of those, it would effect her hard. She could never forget all of Cassie's suffering.

Dylan, well, he knew of his mum's story. He was the class clown, yet did very well in school. Allison would always tell him doing good would of made Cassie very proud, and schoolwork and grades became a huge deal.

After high school, Dylan's band he attempted to form, Long Way From Home, flopped. He got a job at The Beach Club Resort at Walt Disney World with a master's degree in business to back him up just in case.

Everything went well, but nobody ever forgot Cassie. How could you? Once someone is such a big part of your life they never leave.

Once a month, Daniel, Joey, Allison, Dylan, Tyler, and Shane, sometimes even Trevor Moran, fans or other YouTubers, would gather at Cassie's grave and sing the lyrics to I Wanna Fly by: Trevor Moran as they release red balloons into the air.

(A/N: This was a pretty short, shitty book now wasn't it? I'm sad to say the Callison series is now over. Thank you to all of my valued readers, I love you. Keep shipping Janiel (and Callison too) RIP Cassie why did I do that? Until next time,


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