Chapter 16

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*Clarke POV*

I wake up on the third floor, while O is still asleep. My first thought is Bellamy, but last nights events come bursting back in my mind. He was with Lily. I get he was drunk, but I had trusted him. I couldn't believe him. I don't need Bellamy, I can do this without him. But I have to go talk to him about what to do with all of these extra people.

I click the ladder down, and people are everywhere sleeping due to the extra amount. I mange to avoid stepping on some guys hair and make it out of the drop-ship. I feel the crisp morning air on my skin and I walk to Bellamy's tent.

After the moment I walk in, I instantly regret it. There is Bellamy shirtless and in nothing but boxers sleeping right next to a Lily who would be nude if it weren't for the sheets covering her up. I have a little water left in my flask, which is icy cold.

I walk up to Bellamy and pour my icey cold water all over him and say "Wake up, Asshole."

He jumps up and notices Lily next to him as he looks at me with pleading eyes. I simply drop the flask on the ground and walk out of his tent, when I really want to go in there and kiss him.

I'm sitting by the fire early in the morning when in less then 5 minuets Bellamy tumbled out of his tent. He starts "Clarke we need to-"

"We don't need to talk about that situation I say to him. Focus on what to do with the extra people." He looks at me with lost eyes as I stare a blank expression back. It is so hard not to say I forgive him and I love him, but I can't. He kissed Lily, twice

"Umm, I say we continue with our regular jobs and just assign new ones." Awkwardly says Bell. No, Bellamy.

"I agree." I quickly state. "I have medical work to do."

I get up and he grabs my arm "Princess, wait."

"Don't ever call me Princess again!" I yell at him, jerking my arm away. I briskly walk into the first floor of the drop-ship with the urge to cry. I want to break down and scream. I don't now what to do. I love him. But I don't think I can trust him, yet.  I stop thinking about it when I hear an explosion go and the ground shakes. I trip and hit my head on the medical shelf when everything goes black.


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