Chapter 21

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*Clarke POV*

Anya let me pick 3 others to bring with me to Polis. I knew I would taken Raven and Octavia. But that leaves one more. I know who else I have to take with me I'm not looking forward to it Bellamy. Bellamy a name that used to bring me joy, but it is a name that just brings pain.

While I leave I decided to let me dad and Monty in charge of the camp. I knew it would be in good hands. The riders stood waiting and they had also brought an extra steed for us to ride. Raven hopped on the back of a horse with one guard on it, and Octavia hopped on the back of Anya's horse. Leaving just Bellamy and me to share.

I painfully as I hear "Listen Lily, I love you. I will be home before you know it." Lily pressed her forehead against Bellamy's.

"Be safe." She whispers.

"I will." I hear another faint whisper back before Lily pulls Bellamy into a passionate kiss. I look away remembering the times Bellamy and I hated to have moments like that. But that was over 3 months ago, and a lot has changed since. The construction of the log cabins had finished so there was enough housing for everybody.

Bellamy pulls away from Lily as he looks at me solemnly. I climb on the horse first as he climbs on right after. Bellamy carefully glides his arms around my waist, and I feel warmth from his presence. No Bellamy's the one that embarrassed you when you woke up. When you would always be there for each other, but he wasn't. He moved on from me, but I somewhat haven't. I still want him, but I know I can't.

I pull the rains on the horse leading it into the direction right behind Anya as I follow her to Polis. Bellamy leans forward and whispers "Do you think this is a good idea, Clarke?" I notice how he never calls me princess anymore. Like a part that was gone between us when I hit my head.

"I trust Anya." I firmly state.

"But I don't." He whispers.

"Then you'll just have to trust me." I state back.

He leans forward as his lips brush my ear, "I always have, Princess."

I give a sudden jolt as he said the word princess to me. "Save your energy, Bellamy. We'll be needing it when we get to Polis." I whisper back as I try not to get distracted by him.

"Sure Clarke, anytime." He says lastly before the rest of the trip went into silence.

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