The Game

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Watch the video AFTER you finish reading the part with the actual game in this chapter. If you needed to see it, this is what I was trying to recreate with our favorite characters :)

Bella couldn't have been more excited. Coach told her that she could sit on the bench with the team, instead of being in the stands with all the fans. At least this way she could somewhat help them, or at least feel like she was doing something.

"Alright Bulldogs, huddle up," yelled coach.

The team gathered into a circle around him.

"Alright boys-"

Bella cleared her throat

"And Bella. I can't stress how important this game is. I want you to do your best. Now get out there, and make me proud."

"Coach can I add to that?"

He turned at looked at Bella. "Of course, QB." Bella smiled and turned to the boys.

"Alright guys, listen up. I know you can do this. Dig deep, and find the will to fight. It's not gonna be easy, and they're already fired up because we beat them last time. But you know what? If I was playing, I wouldn't be scared, and neither should you. We've got heart, and a more than capable QB to help us get the win," she said as she directed that last part at Troy. "And remember. It doesn't matter if you win or lose, but winning is a lot more fun. Now can I get a hoorah?"

The team let out a mighty "HOORAH," before Bella counted them off.

"Bulldogs on 3!"





The game had been close all night. Now, here they were in the fourth quarter with 10 seconds on the clock, and the Bulldogs having possession of the ball. They were down by 3 points, but were too far away to kick a field goal. Not even Hunter could kick that far.
Bella was biting her fingernails anxiously. Troy better make this throw. If he does, then I'll tell him about my feelings. Yup.That sounds good. I've been holding off for way too long. This would be the perfect opportunity. I could kiss him on the cheek or something. Yeah, that's what I'll do. But ONLY if we win. She was shaken out of her thoughts when she heard Troy hike the ball. She rose out of her seat in excitement when she saw him dropping back and Sawyer beginning to outrun his defender.

She watched as Troy hitched his arm back, and just as he was about to let it fly, Zach Barnes charged in and took him down. However, Zach was a second too late because Troy had already let go of the ball. That was a really strong throw considering he just threw that off his back foot, Bella thought. She turned to see Sawyer busting his butt, trying to catch up to the ball that was soaring way too far over his head. As his stride took him into the end zone, he left his feet in an attempt to catch the ball. She had overestimated the throw, because it landed perfectly in Sawyer's hand as he slid across the ground, and held onto the ball.

Bella swore she went deaf when the crowd had processed what had happened. It was so loud that she couldn't even hear herself screaming. She turned to Newt, who'd been on the bench keeping her company, and grabbed his shoulders. He grabbed hers, and they then proceeded to shake each other and scream. She let go and motioned for him to follow her onto the field where the rest of the team was celebrating. He nodded and followed closely behind her, desperately trying to grasp the back of her hoodie so he wouldn't get lost in the sea of people, but it was no use.


She felt Newt's grasp on her shoulder slipping.

"Bella, don't leave me behind!!"

He completely lost the grip on her shirt, and as she turned back, she saw him get swallowed up by the celebrating crowd.

"Bella no!"

She rolled her eyes and kept walking with a smile. He was such a drama queen sometimes. Now to find Troy. I promised myself that I'd do this. She finally spotted him near the place he'd gotten tackled. He was just staring at the end zone with this stupid grin on his face. She walked up next to him, and stood there waiting to be acknowledged, but he didn't see her. I guess now's a good a time as any, she thought to herself. But just as she leaned up on her tippy toes to peck his cheek, he quickly turned, grabbed her face in his hands, and smashed his lips onto hers.

An explosion of emotion rushed through her as she quickly responded, ghosting her hands over the sides of his ribs. Does this mean he likes me, or was it just because he was excited for the win. Honestly it didn't make a difference because, either way, she was kissing a boy she really liked. She moved her hands to his chest and pushed against it the slightest so she could catch her breath.

"That, was quite a throw you made there wonder boy," she teased, still a little breathless from the kiss.

"Thanks. I take pride in myself when I look good, like I did tonight."

"Oh hush, you take pride in yourself everyday," she said with a giggle. "But that's what I li-" Bella cut herself off. No, she did not just do that. I was gonna tell him at the Lone Starcade, she thought angrily. Way to go Bella. You ruined the easiest plan known to man!


She looked up at him, beginning to cringe.


"Were you gonna say what I think you were gonna say?"

"Umm. Well, ya know-"

"The truth, Bella. What were you gonna say?"

"I was gonna say that it was one of the reasons I like you."

Troy looked at her, a smile gracing his sharp features.

"I like you too," he said. You idiot, he thought. You love her. He considered telling her for a brief moment, before realizing that it might not be the best thing. Who knows how long she's felt. I might just scare her off. But has he looked down at her and the smile that was nearly splitting her face, all the worry faded away. I've waited this long. I can wait a little longer.

"Well then. Bella, would you like to accompany me to The Lone Starcade as my date to the after party," he asked, hopefulness clear in his voice.

Bella smiled. She didn't know why she was so nervous and scared to come tonight. It was the best decision she'd ever made.

"I'd love to."

Troy grinned as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders, and she wrapped her hand around his waist. As they walked off the field, the feeling they were both feeling was unexplainable.

Sadly, the feeling would not last.

While they walked off the field, they failed to notice a figure behind them, standing alone. The figure clenched their fists as they saw this.

I don't care what it takes. I don't care who gets in the way, or who gets hurt.

Bella will be mine.

And that's the end of the 6th chapter!!
Guesses on who the mysterious figure is?? I'll give you a hint:

It's a guy.

But that's the only hint y'all get.
Hope your still into the story, and remember to leave a comment!!

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