Chapter 3

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Im going to start writing in third person point of view because its just easier.

Percy was surprised as he hit the bottom of the Abyss. The tons of pressure he should've felt when he fell felt like nothing. He sighed a breath of relief and stood up.

As he looked around Percy started to feel uneasy in this place he was going to need to start calling home.

It looked like a dark scary town.

How is this a town?

Percy looked around. The colossal town was as dark as it could get. It was creepy, too. Like, you know how they have the creepy cities in Call of Duty zombie mode? Yeah. That's what it's like but realistic and ten times worse and scary. The old black marble buildings about 20 stories high had giant gaping holes in them. They had an awful lot of super creepy and disturbing graffiti on them also. No windows, and from what Percy could see through the holes, the inner part had dark, broken  wooden beams and stairs.

The smaller houses were made of some sort of fabric?


Percy gets curious and goes up to the mysterious material and feels it. Some dust or something like that falls. Percy pulls his hand up to his face and sees black dust on his hands.

"Ash," he says quietly and examines the rest of the house. How could it be standing?

Man this is so weird.

He walks around it one more time. Glass was shattered all over the floors and the windows were broken. There was some sort of acidic deep purple liquid on the floor.

Percy just had to go inside the building and look at the liquid.

"I wonder..." percy wondered aloud. He touched the acid and pains shot all the way through his body. His veins started turning black, and he screamed in pain and collapsed to the ground blacking out.

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