Chapter 17

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"Brother, how long has it been?" asked Bilstyggr. They were sitting around Senta's grave for hours. Vigr couldn't stop crying, though he tried to hide it from his brothers.

Bani sighed, he was drained, and they needed rest. "It's been a while, Bilstyggr." He said. "We should sleep, it's getting dark." He was surprised that the Asgardians or the mortals hadn't found them yet, which proved that he knew Loki didn't love his sister after all. They could use this to they're advantage.

"I'm starving." Vigr muttered.

"You know, so am I." Bilstyggr said. Bani growled lowly, he was hungry too, they were just going to have to hunt Midgardian creatures to satiate their hunger.

"Vigr, stay and guard Senta. We'll hunt for our food." Bani said. Vigr nodded, staring at Senta's grave.

Meanwhile, Thor could see Loki slipping back into that maniacal stage again. He tried to calm him down, telling him to rest, but Loki ignored him. They were parked on the side of the road near the trees, leading to the woods. They had a lot to cover, they probably wouldn't find Senta until morning. And even if they were to search all of the woods, the demons would have probably left to Muspelheim by the time they were done.

"Loki, pacing back and forth won't get us anywhere." Thor said to him. Loki tried to even his breathing before speaking.

"If it were Jane, would you not have the same pain?" Loki asked.

Thor nodded in understanding. "I am sorry, brother." He looked Loki in the eyes to add emphasis that he was sincere. Loki shook his head, "We need to start searching."

"Right." Thor said.

"Are we ready?" Natasha asked from the other side of the car with Steve and Bucky.

"Yes." Thor replied.

"Okay, here's the plan. Bucky and I will start west, Thor and Natasha will go east, and I'm sure you can take care of yourself, Loki." Steve said.

Loki nodded. "You're right, Captain."

"Good, then let's get started." Steve ordered. They then went their separate ways, searching for Senta and her brothers. Loki got even more frustrated as he didn't find Senta yet, he had to go deeper into the woods. As he went deeper, he could see a glow, fire burning in the distance. Adrenaline pumping through his body, he ran towards the fire, knowing it was her brothers. As he got closer, he saw them huddled around the fire, attempting a demonic incantation. He had to be careful, he had to be stealth, and think rationally. He transported himself closer, hiding behind a tree. He could hear them chant in their demonic language, but one word kept sticking out to him, he had heard it before.

"Phoenix," he had heard. Senta was being reborn, but in what state? Would she resent him for not saving her quick enough, or would she resent her brothers for killing their child? Loki wasn't going to wait any longer, as he came out of hiding, the fire grew taller and more powerful.

"The incantation has been completed, frost giant." Bani said as Loki took step forward.

"She'll resent you when she finds out what you did, and she'll come back to me; where she belongs." Loki said.

Bani and Bilstyggr laughed, "Don't be foolish, she'll know where she really belongs, as she won't remember ever falling in love with you." Bani said.

"You'll be just another enemy – look at that, she's coming now." Bilstyggr said. "Would you like her to kiss you with her flames?"

Loki glared at them, then at the fire opening up the earth, Senta ascended from the earth. Her eyes were black as the night sky, her markings covered her skin, and horns seemed to be slightly larger. "Where am I?" She asked as she descended to the ground, facing her brothers. The fire faded away as she landed. Loki stared at her with a hurt expression.

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