Chapter 9

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The guards guided Senta and Loki towards the Allfather's chambers. "Unhand me, you imbeciles. I can walk on my own." Senta said, pulling away from them and leaning into Loki. He smiled proudly at his feisty princess as the guards grumbled. They reached Odin's chambers, slipping in quietly. Odin observed Senta as she held her head up high, dressed in a black and gold gown. She was the daughter of Surtur, the demon that helped Thor free him from that prison in Muspelheim.

"This is my wife to be, Senta of Muspelheim." Loki said proudly.

"You bring a demon into this palace, the daughter of Surtur, and expect me to approve of your betrothal? You must really take me for a fool, Loki." Odin said. 

"Father, don't-" Thor interrupted, but Senta spoke before he could finish.

"Allfather," She said before bowing slightly, "If I must say, Loki and I have made each other very happy. He has taken me away from the prison of my own palace, and I have shown him how to love wholeheartedly. He is the father of my unborn child, and we intend to marry in a fortnight." 

"A fortnight!?" Odin shouted before coughing, causing Thor and Balder to rush to his side, easing him back to bed. "This cannot be so. Loki, enough of your tricks. Take the demon back to Muspelheim. It's obvious what she is here for." 

"And what is that, Odin?" Loki asked, glaring at him.

"The Eternal Flame. This is all apart of your revenge on me because you can't have the throne. Take her back, or suffer the consequences." Odin said.

"I cannot do that, she stays with me, she's marrying me, and we will grace this palace with our presense." Loki said. Odin coughed once more, staring at Loki, while Balder, Thor, and Senta watched them carefully. 

"Thor, deal with him and his harlot. I am much to ill to deal with it." Odin replied.

"Father, you are wrong. You can't see the love these two share for each other." Thor said. "Even I see it, father." Balder replied.

"You both are so blinded by his tricks. You mean to tell me that Loki has changed from a vile, envious monster to a loving husband? Do you not remember he has almost gotten me killed just to have the throne?" Odin said.

"But father-" Thor said, but Loki had had enough.

He chuckled condescendingly, "Oh great and knowing Allfather," He said sarcastically. "You clearly know me so well. It angers you that I, this vile and envious monster, can still find love." Odin glared at him, Thor and Balder were about to interject, but Loki put his hand up to stop them. "I would never use Senta as some meaningless pawn for the throne. It's not in my nature anymore. I love this woman, Odin, and if you think you can separate us, you'd think twice not to."

"Threatening me is treason!" Odin shouted. Loki's glare hardened.

"That is enough!" Senta shouted. Shocking Odin, Balder, and Thor. "You two are acting like æsulas!"

"Æsulas?" Thor asked, Balder chuckled. He obviously new the meaning of the word, and whispering what it meant in Thor's ear.

"How dare you talk to me like that, demon." Odin said.

"How dare you be so stubborn to your son's wishes. If he wishes to marry me, then he will. All that matters is that I love him, and he loves me. We both cannot be in prison while this baby is inside of me." Senta said.

Odin coughed once more, "Leave me, but you will be watched carefully by Thor and Balder." Senta nodded, pulling Loki with her to leave.

Meanwhile, the Bifrost opens up, and the visitor greets Heimdall. "Oriel, it's good to see you." Heimdall said. Oriel nodded, "It's very good to see you too, but I must find my daughter."

"What is the meaning of this?" He asked. "My daughter is in grave danger. The demons are coming back." She told him.


"Demons! We will not cower at the sight of the Asgardians, for we are stronger and prepared for battle. We will win this war against the Æsir!" Surtur shouted, his soldiers shouted joyously at their king. "We will take back what they have stolen from us! It's time that our princess and the Eternal Flame comes back to their rightful place."

The soldiers and sons of Surtur held their swords up as Surtur looked down at them with pride. This time he wouldn't lose.

He went into the kingdom while the demons trained once more, his wife stood in the corridor with Keyva. "My husband, I shall not stay in this palace while you go off to fight in Asgard." Leidr said.

"You will stay in this palace, you have no use for me." Surtur said walking past her. "You are wrong, I have some tactics to help with your battle." Piquing Surtur's interest, he turn towards her. "Tell me."

"We go to Asgard, I disguise myself as Senta, and kill the frost giant." She said. Surtur nodded, "That does help us. Show them that she will betray them. You are so intelligent, my darling." He didn't know the real reason Leidr wanted to help them, and he would never know. None of them would, only Keyva knew, and she would never tell the queen's secret. This time, Leidr would get her way.


"Mother!" Senta shouted, hugging Oriel. "I've missed you so."

"I've missed you too, dear. You are so beautiful." Oriel said softly.

"What are you doing here, woman?" Loki asked not amused by the mother-daughter reunion. "I came here to warn you." Oriel said.

"Warn us?" Senta asked. Oriel nodded. "My daughter, your father and his army are coming back. This time you won't be able to fight them." She said.

"What? Why, mother?" Senta asked, grasping her mother's hand. Oriel looked Loki then back to Senta. 

"You're with child, and it's not safe for you." Oriel said. Loki pulled Senta to him protectively.

"She is safe with me." He said. "I do not trust you. If it weren't for you, my daughter would be safe." Oriel told him.

"Mother, calm down. I can handle myself." Senta said. "I wish I could believe that, but I've seen into the future. Your father will not accept that you're with child." Oriel said.

"Stay with us, and help us fight." Loki said.

"I plan on it." Oriel replied.

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