Chapter 6

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On Muspelheim, Surtur and Leidr sat on their thrones as their sons mingled with the demons at his homecoming. "This is most grand, isn't it?" Leidr said to her husband. Surtur smiled a false smile as he watched the Muspeli dance and drink. "It is, but it would be better if my daughter were here to enjoy my homecoming." He said. Leidr rolled her eyes, how could he still think about the result of his infidelity when his true family was here to support him. Senta was a realm away, and still a thorn in her side.

"My husband, Senta is an Asgardian now. You have your true heirs here, Bani's wife, Gísla, we're all enjoying your banquet as well as the common Muspeli. You should enjoy it too." She said.

"You are right, but I am worried about my daughter. I have the right to worry." Surtur replied. "She may not be a true demon, but she a Muspeli."

"She is still marrying an Asgardian, not just an Asgardian, but a Frost giant. Bani and I took it upon ourselves to banish her." Leidr said. Surtur glared at his wife. "You dare banish my daughter without my knowledge? You dare disrespect me as your husband and king?" He asked her outraged.

"My husband-"

"Silence. I do not want to here your excuses." He said standing up. "Where are you going?" Leidr asked him.

"To have a word with my son." Surtur said, leaving her at her throne. As the Muspeli moved out of Surtur's way, he walked up to Bani who was standing with his brothers, his wife, and Asmund.

"Father, are you enjoying your banquet?" Bani asked.

"Bani, why would you banish your sister?" Surtur growled.

"Father, she is marrying an Asgardian. Who knows what she could reveal to the the Aesir! They've already have the Eternal Flame, what else will they steal with the help of our sister?" Bani shouted. The Muspeli began to look on curiously and whisper to one another.

"Keep your voice down, son. Only I can do the banishing in this kindom, not you, not your brothers, and not your mother. Your sister only did this to help me. You should be grateful that your sister is willing to do all that she can to save this realm and kingdom. I did want her to marry Asmund, I did want her to stay safely on our realm, but it can never be now." Surtur said. 

Bani sighed, "What is there to do now, father? The damage is done, Senta could already be married by now to that scum."

"I want you, your brothers, and Asmund to take her from Asgard."


Senta sat on Loki's bed while he was taking a bath in the washroom. She despised the flimsy purple gown he gave her to sleep in, but it was better than sleeping in the nude. Part of her was happy that she was away from the queen and Asmund, but she still missed her father and brothers. Her head turned as the door to the washroom was opened, and Loki walked out dressed in golden robe. He pushed his slightly dampened hair back, and came towards the bed. Eyeing Senta as she tried her best to look unnerved but failing, he smirked while slowly taking the robe off and tossing it behind him. Senta gasped as he revealed his alabaster naked flesh to her, and looked down in a reflex.

"My eyes are up here, princess." Loki said with an amused smile.

Senta cleared her throat and looked him in the eyes with a glare. "I will not lose my chastity to you, Frost giant." She growled, standing up swiftly and her eyes burned him as she glowered. Loki's smile dropped as his face appeared blank. He looked as if he weren't affected by her calling him his true lineage. He turned from her, walking to his open balcony, standing there in the nude. Senta watched him steadily as he didn't speak or turn around. Taking her chance, she eyed a dagger on his bedside table. He still didn't turn around, so she grabbed the the dagger quickly, gripping it tightly as she stalked towards him quietly. Just before piercing his back with the dagger, a pair of arms wrapped around. Senta was not shocked to see Loki's figure disappear in front of her. Loki chuckled behind her, gripping her hands tightly.

"Were you about to kill your husband?" He asked in mock sadness. "I'm deeply hurt." 

Senta struggled to get away from him, "You are not my husband!"

"Husband to be, darling." He said with an evil smile and a glint in his eyes, turning her around to face him and taking the dagger out of her hands. He trailed the sharp tip of the dagger along the front of her dress while gripping her throat. She sputtered, clawing at his cold hand that dug into her throat. The dagger stopped between her breasts, Loki dropped the dagger as her hardened nipples caught his gaze. He pinched one of her nipples, rolling it around between his elegant fingers. Senta moaned out, but regretted doing such as she felt his hardness against her body. She spat in his face in responce. This angered Loki as he threw her on the floor.

"You loathsome wretch!" He shouted at her as she looked up at him with hate-filled eyes.

"I am no wretch. I am a proud demon princess! I do not wish to have you desrespect me, and keeping this facade is exhausting." She said.

"What don't you get, Senta? You are here with me because you wanted to be. No one made you decide this. But lo! You, a beautiful, yet exasperating, demon found a way to get out of marrying a demon you did not love in exchange for your father's freedom. You don't want to leave Asgard, and you don't want to go back to that demon. No matter how much you love your father or your brothers. You're here to stay, dear." Loki spat. 

Senta looked down, glaring because he was right. "Curse you, Loki Laufeyson." She muttered.

Loki smirked, going to his bed and lying under the furred blanket. "Come to bed, my wife-to-be." He  propped his head on his hand, watching her get up and come to his bed reluctantly. She lied down next to him stiffly, "Do not touch me, you vile-" Senta was cut off as he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her towards him. 

"Shut up and sleep." He told her. She rolled on her side, her backside seemed to fit with his body perfectly. And she eventually slept.


Loki got up that morning, dreading going to see his father. Senta was still asleep, he thought it was best that she not come with him to talk with his brothers. He came to his father's room to see Thor and Balder standing by his bedside chatting.

"Ah, there he is!" Thor said.

"Did you and th princess..." Balder trailed off, smiling with a raised eyebrow.

Loki put up his hand, "Balder, enough. We are here to talk about Odin, not my courtship." Balder cleared his throat and dropped his smile. "Brother, you call father Odin, and not father. He is still your father, and we are still your brothers no matter your parentage."

"Right. Father was very disappointed in you when I brought him back from Muspelheim." Thor said. Loki rolled his eyes at their lecture. He was sick and tired of their lectures. He's heard it all from Frigga, Odin, Thor countless times, and now Balder. Balder being the oldest, wanted to set an example for his younger brothers, but he couldn't do much when he was away. He regretted leaving his family because he wanted to be in their lives, and he could have been the true king. But Thor was the best one to be king. He didn't know how Loki lost his sanity, looking at his brother as he looked unfazed that their father is in the Odinsleep again.

"Loki, please have care." Balder said softly. Somewhere in Loki's eyes was the young boy that Balder knew, Balder knew that Loki wasn't completely gone. If he mourned the loss of their mother, he was still there. Thor watched painfully as Balder begged him with his eyes. He was tired of being betrayed by Loki, and if their father never came out of this, it would be Loki's fault.

"I don't care for Odin, this I admit. But I will stay here for you, both of you." Loki said to his brothers. Balder patted his back, and Thor smiled a small smile. It was a start.

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