Chapter 10

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Oriel, Senta, and Loki stood before Odin and Thor as Oriel told them about the demons' plan to come back and bring war upon the gods.

"It begins." Odin said.

"What begins?" Asked Senta.

"War of the gods" Thor cut in. "Surtur won't stop until all of Asgard is burned to extinction."

"Oh no." Oriel said under her breath. "They're coming for the Eternal Flame. You must keep it from Surtur's reach at once!"

Odin sent extra guards to the vault to make sure no one got in to steal the Flame. He paced back and forth, stumbling just a bit. Thor came to his side nonetheless.

"Father, please sit. You mustn't worry about this." He said, guiding Odin to his throne.

"My son, this throne is not mine anymore. I am slowly dying, and I want you to train my army just as I did." Odin said.

"Do not speak that way, father. You will live to see your grandchild grow, and you will be proud of its father." Balder cut in.

Loki looked to odin, hoping he'd say something positive. He glanced at Loki, "No, I am accepting my fate." Loki's face fell, but he hid it with a blank stare. Deep down he was furious that Odin still couldn't accept him. Senta gripped his hand tightly to calm him down. Thor and Balder tried talking to Odin once more, but he wouldn't listen to him. Oriel shook her head.

"This is madness. We should train as early as possible. Surtur's army will be strong." She said.

"Fine, we shall train in the morn. Balder, show Lady Oriel to a spare chamber." Said Thor. Balder followed his command, taking Oriel down the corridor. Loki pulled Senta with him as they left the throne room as well.

"Where are you taking me?" She asked. He said nothing as he.guided her outside of the palace without guards catching them. They quickly and quietly walked towards a waterfall. Thewl water glistened under the moonlight.  Senta marveled at its beauty. She smiled, her eyes lit up, and Loki thought she was the most beautiful thing under the moon and stars.

"This is beautiful." She said, still watching the waterfall.

"No, you are beautiful." He said breathlessly. She looked up at him, caressing his smooth pale cheek.

"Loki." She said just as breathlessly. "Kiss me." He leaned down, taking her lips in his. She enjoyed being kissed under the stars. He pulled away from her. He then pulled his clothes off, shocking Senta.
"What in the nine realms are you doing?" She asked.
"We're taking a swim, love." He replied. "Undress."
"This isn't really the time to swim, Loki." She told him, he ignored her, his naked body disappearing into the water. "This is all very magnificent, but we must go." Still ignoring her, he sank into the water, swimming towards the waterfall.

"Please, come. It's relaxing." He said as he popped out of the water, pushing his wet ebony hair back. Senta thought about it, she's never swam in all her centuries. She reluctantly took her dress off, and slipping her shoes off. Slowly walking towards the water, she dipped a toe into the water, tensing at the coldness. Loki noticed her tensing, he decided to help her. Coming out of the water, he held his hand out for her to take. She took it, and he led her into the water. She cautiously waded, muscles going stiff as the water was cold; she involuntarily heated it up. Steam came up from the water, Loki smiled at her.

"Now that wasn't so bad, was it?" He said. She shook her head, smiling at him. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her into a heated kiss, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. He pulled away slightly, but not to far away from her lips. "Let me take you, right here under the stars and moon."

"What if someone happens to gaze upon us?" She asked him. He chuckled. "This area is forbidden to commoners." He said.

"I meant guards, or what if Thor happens to find us?" Senta asked, pushing from him a little.

"Senta-" Loki started, but they heard rustling near the shrubs. He grabbed her protectively, "There's something in the shrubs, stay behind me at all costs, and be aware of our surroundings." Senta nodded, looking behind them and making sure nothing would surprise them.

Earlier that same day, Surtur's army was ready to take down the Æsir, return their princess, and the Eternal Flame to their rightful home. Surtur lifted up his sword, causing the demons to address their king by kneeling. Leidr stood by his side, her head held high as her husband spoke to his soldiers.

"Demons of Muspelheim! This is our final battle, the end to this centuries long war with the Æsir. My daughter will no longer be an Asgardian, and the Eternal Flame will set my sword aflame and the Asgardians will burn to their death!" He then opened multiple mini portals for the demons to go through, sending them to different areas of Asgard. He and Leidr were the last to go through their own portal.

Asmund happened to stumble through shrubs leading to a big waterfall, that's when he saw his worst fear. Senta, his maiden, kissing that Asgardian in the nude. He heard Loki saying he wanted to take her right in that water. He was seething at the thought of Loki taking Senta in front of him. He hid behind the shrubs, purposely moving to gain their attention. Hopefully, Loki would come close enough for Asmund to strike him. Loki conjured his and Senta's clothing back onto them, he slowly walked to the shrub with a dagger in his hand. That's it, just a little closer, Asgardian. Asmund thought, his gripped tightened around his sword.

"Loki!" Someone called out, Sif and Fandral ran towards them, but Senta never took her eyes off the shrub. Something wasn't right.

"The demons! They are back!" Fandral said. 

"Why are you both wet?" Sif asked them. Loki and Senta's hair was still dripping wet, and their clothing clung to their skin. "Taking a dip? We are at war, and you both are being careless." Loki was unphased by her retort, but Senta couldn't stand by and let Sif talk down at them.

"We were unaware of my father's army, but we are now. So let us stand together and fight together. This grudge you have against us is childish and petty." She said to Sif. Sif glared at her, about to say something when Asmund jumped out of the shrubs, making his presence known.

"Well, thought I wouldn't find you again, Senta?" He said. Loki was in front of Asmund, sizing him up. "And what will you do to me, Asgardian? I am prepared now."

"You think you can defeat me with only one hand, you have me mistaken, demon." Loki said. "Senta, go to the palace." 

"I'm not leaving you to fight him alone." She said.

"Princess, you must come with us. Please." Fandral said. "Loki has it under control." She begrudgingly ran to the palace with Sif and Fandral on her tail. Loki walked around Asmund, calculating his moves in his head. Taking Asmund down would be easy. 

"Make your move, coward." Asmund said. Loki continued to circle around him, until he couldn't wait any longer, he charged for Loki. But he went right through him, falling to the ground. Loki's figure flickered and disappeared. Loki's mischievous chuckle could be heard in the air. What did he have planned for Asmund?

A hooded figure made their way through the shadows of the palace while guards fought the demons, and while Thor battled Surtur. The figure stopped to find guards guarding the vault, they sent a flurry of fire towards them, burning them instantly. They went into the vault, running towards the Eternal Flame.

"I've finally got it." They whispered, but was snapped back to reality when a hand gripped their arm. Balder caught the mysterious hooded creature, pulling them away from the flame.

"Halt, creature!" He said before pulling the hood down, and he was shocked to see Senta glaring at him.

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